Inflation should work out at only 0.4 % … The situation in Belgium was no exception compared to other countries in the EU. [105], On 27 March, the National Security Council and the governments decided to extend the measures until 19 April (end of the Easter vacation). In the period between 17 and 21 March it became clear that the province of Limburg was a hotspot for the coronavirus where the incidence grew much faster compared to the rest of the country: while on 17 March the incidence in Limburg was 1.5 times the average incidence for the country, this had already increased to 1.9 times the average incidence on 21 March. The total number of death cases in Belgium also includes suspected death cases, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, the highest number of COVID-19 deaths per head of population in the world, Walloon Export and Foreign Investment Agency, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, Shortages related to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, national public health institute of Belgium, COVID-19 pandemic by country and territory, "Mystery deepens over animal source of coronavirus", "One repatriated Belgian has tested positive for the novel coronavirus", "6 new cases of Covid-19 by the end of the spring holidays", "Seven confirmed coronavirus cases in Belgium following holiday week", "Covert coronavirus infections could be seeding new outbreaks", "United Kingdom Coronavirus: 301,815 Cases and 42,461 Deaths - Worldometer", "Coronavirus: Why so many people are dying in Belgium", "Analysis: Can we trust Belgium's COVID-19 death statistics? ... China had 442 million urban jobs as of the end of 2019 and has to add 8 million new jobs this year to keep the unemployment rate … This is how unemployment works. [48] The new cases were reported to be in Knokke-Heist, Zonhoven, Doomkerke [nl] (Ruiselede) and Vlierzele (part of Sint-Lievens-Houtem).[49]. On 18 September, a total of 260 patients were receiving hospital care due to COVID-19, compared to almost 7,000 at the peak of the epidemic. COVID-19 confirmed cases in Belgium by province (, COVID-19 confirmed cases in Belgium by region (, COVID-19 confirmed cases in Belgium by day and region (. visits are limited to 30 minutes). The existing "Entreprise en rebond" scheme can provide expertise and advice on legal, financial and economic matters to companies and self-employed people experiencing difficulties. [20][21] On 4 February, it was announced one of the repatriated had tested positive for the novel coronavirus,[4] the first case in Belgium. According to a forecast from November 2020, the unemployment rate in Italy could reach 9.9 percent of the total labor force in 2020, due to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Amongst the new cases, a 17-year from Tienen[29] and one person from Sint-Niklaas[30] returned from a ski vacation in northern Italy, a person from Verviers,[31] two cases from Couthuin [fr][32] and a 65-year-old male from Eupen who presented relatively severe symptoms and had not been to any of the regions with a higher risk of infection. a curfew is being imposed for the entire province. Belgium Business Confidence at 11-Month High, Belgium Consumer Morale Worsens in January, Belgium Industrial Output Rebounds in October, Belgium Current Account Balance Swings to Surplus in Q2, Belgium Producer Price Deflation Eases in August, Belgium Construction Output Falls the Most since 1993, Belgium Posts Smallest Trade Surplus in 5 Months, S&P 500 Books New Record Despite Weak Employment, US Consumer Credit Grows Below Expectations, Seychelles January Inflation Rate Highest since 2012, South African Stocks End Higher on Friday. [106] On 15 April, the containment measures were extended until the 3 May. Diagnosed cases are an underestimate of the real number by a factor of between 5 and 10 according to Professor Marc Van Ranst. vof), a consultancy firm that had no track record in the medical field and was owned by Mahmut Öz, a Belgo-Turkish politician from her own political affiliation. Covid-19 has cost more than 33 million Americans their jobs in the last seven weeks – 10% of the entire US population. [59] The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen informed the entire staff that seven of their colleagues had tested positive, six of them in Belgium. [240] The situation is similar in France. Direct access to our calendar releases and historical data. [citation needed], An agreement has finally been found on 16 March under the form of a continuation of the Wilmès I Government, with the exception that the government now has full legislative powers rather than being just a caretaker government. The impact of COVID‐19 on unemployment rate: An intelligent based unemployment rate prediction in selected countries of Europe - Ahmad - - International Journal of Finance & Economics - Wiley Online Library [153] On 25 March, PVDA-member of parliament Sofie Merckx [nl] complained that since 2009 the various governments had not renewed the strategic reserves of mouth masks due to cost cutting measures in the health care system. [172][173] In Belgium, around 46% of the COVID-19 deaths occurred in hospital and 53% occurred in care homes; and while the deaths in hospital are all confirmed by a test, only 5% of the deaths in care homes are confirmed by a test, the other 95% being suspected cases. [232][233], The Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy reported that the strong decrease in car and air traffic due to the confinement measures does not necessarily entail as strong a decrease in air pollution. Of … By the end of March all 10 provinces of the country had registered cases. Unemployment rate change forecast in Belgium 2016-2020. [23], On 24 February, following the spread of the COVID-19 in northern Italy, a hundred Belgian citizens were put in quarantine in the H10 Costa Adeje Palace in Tenerife that was put on lockdown. [246], On 25 March 2020, Belgium ranked sixth in the list of EU countries with the highest numbers of casualties, while on 1 April Belgium had the third highest death toll after Italy and Spain. [61], On 21 March it was observed that more than half of the patients in the hospital Oost-Limburg in Genk were of Turkish origin. In Alberta, the jobless rate was 7.2 per cent. Many people go on ski vacation during that period and the number of detected virus infections rose sharply upon the return of people from holidays in affected areas. [51] The FPS Health mentioned generally that "more and more infections are being contracted locally" but did not provide information on how many. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. the estimated UK unemployment rate for women was 4.7%; this is 1.1 percentage points higher than a year earlier and a record 0.7 percentage points higher than the previous quarter. [42] A retirement home in Gooik stopped receiving visitors after discovering that one of its employees could have been in contact with the coronavirus, a precaution[43] the Flemish Agency for Care and Health qualified as inappropriate and "excessive". Efforts to address the coronavirus outbreak in Belgium are managed by the nine federal and regional health ministers, Maggie De Block (Open VLD, federal government), Wouter Beke (CD&V, Flemish Community), Christine Morreale [fr] (PS, French Community), Antonios Antoniadis [de] (SP, German-speaking Community), Bénédicte Linard [fr] (Ecolo, French Community), Valérie Glatigny [fr] (MR, French Community), Alain Maron [fr] (Ecolo, Brussels), Elke Van den Brandt [nl] (Groen, Brussels) and Barbara Trachte [fr] (Ecolo, Brussels),[90] with the support of: On 29 January, Belgium issued a travel notice advising against non-essential flights to China, Hong Kong excluded, with some travel companies cancelling all flights to China. Nine of the new infected individuals had recently returned from Italy. 3 mei", "Coronavirus: EU ministers urge members to share supplies", "Coronavirus: 100.000 masques FFP2 sont arrivés ce jeudi à Liège et seront immédiatement distribués", "Coronavirus: Alibaba gives Belgium 500,000 mouth masks", "De Backer moet tekort aan mondmaskers tegengaan", "Belgium increases COVID-19 testing capacity to 10,000 test a day", "Coronavirus: Belgium pours €5 million into efforts to fast-track vaccine", "Coronavirus: la Belgique est très bien préparée, selon Maggie De Block", "Minister De Block: "Kans is reëel dat coronavirus naar ons land komt, maar er is een plan, "COVID-19: Press conference – streaming and archives", "Coronavirus - Mijn boodschap aan de Belgische bevolking", "Coronavirus - Message à la population belge", "Last night's "lock-down parties" trigger indignation", "De coronapiek komt, al de rest is onzeker", "Brussel betreurt de helft van de corona-overlijdens tot nu toe, maar die cijfers geven een vertekend beeld", "King Filip calls on Belgians to respect the COVID-19 measures "for ourselves and for the most vulnerable among us, "Lettre ouverte à la ministre de la Santé publique : "Coronavirus, il faut savoir écouter la peur, "Experts oneens over aanpak coronavirus: "Patiënt was niet gevonden als we richtlijnen overheid hadden gevolgd, "Apothekers kregen nog steeds geen specifieke instructies over corona: "Wij zitten nochtans in de vuurlinie, "Vlaamse rusthuizen eisen verbod op bezoek", "Professoren Goossens en Van Ranst: "Draconische maatregelen zijn nodig, zoals alle evenementen schrappen, "BVAS: 'Sluit op korte termijn alle scholen, "Open brief van Vlaamse rectoren en experts: "Het coronavirus is ernstig, aan vrijblijvende richtlijnen hebben we niets, "Coronavirus: Knokke jusqu'au 30 avril en "lockdown, "Coronavirus crisis brings fragmented Brussels together", "Financial Times vol lof over Belgische aanpak coronacrisis", "Steven Van Gucht: rustig, empathisch en heerlijk helder", "There Aren't Enough Medical Masks to Fight Coronavirus. [101][specify], On 20 March at 3 pm Belgium closed its borders to all non-essential travel. The country's unemployment rate of 4.4% in March was the highest since August 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. [117] From the first report of infection within Belgium, the government communicated on certain developments with the public. Hong Kong's seasonally adjusted unemployment rose to a 16-year high of 6.6% in October-December 2020, as a new wave of coronavirus infections slammed the brakes on a wide range of economic activities. Youth unemployment In December 2020, 3.138 million young persons (under 25) were unemployed in the EU, of whom 2.590 million were in the euro area.In December 2020, the youth unemployment rate was 17.8% in the EU and 18.5% in the euro area, up from 17.5% and 18.1% respectively in the previous month.Compared with November 2020, youth The description is composed by our digital data assistant. [24][25] Fifteen of them were allowed to travel back to Belgium on 28 February and the remainder on 5 March, without having been tested for the coronavirus upon arrival. In the period between 7 and 27 March the number of confirmed cases doubled on average every 3.7 days (20.9 % daily increase). The actual number of infections, however, is likely to be much higher than the number of diagnosed cases, as laboratory tests are limited to specific people and/or people with severe symptoms, and because many people with mild or no symptoms do not seek medical help, even as they are likely to be transmitting the virus.[8]. [238], In the period of 1 to 6 March the number of detected cases grew on average exponentially with a doubling of the number of cases every day. The employees affected included some with important tasks in the nuclear power plant. [81] The percentage of positive COVID-19 cases of all samples taken has risen in September to more than 3%. Every day, the latest developments on the epidemiological situation in Belgium are reported, with the new figures of confirmed cases, hospitalised patients and deaths, as well as general explanations and forecasts, or reminders of the need to respect the social distancing measures. [4][5] Transmission within Belgium was confirmed in early March; authorities linked this to holidaymakers returning from Northern Italy at the end of the half-term holidays. Visitors to a pub have to wear face coverings at least until they have found a seat. It was more than 5% at the peak in April and less than 1% at the end of June. 2020-05-06: There were 110 deaths reported for the last 24 hours and 229 deaths in hospitals reported additionally for the period between 24 March and 4 May 2020 (inclusive). ), New confirmed cases per day in Belgium (March to August 2020) [77] The mortality peak would follow a bit later, and was retrospectively observed to have occurred on 12 April. [45] The EDA cancelled all meetings until 13 March, and other EU institutions also took precautions. ... Belgium … [44], On 4 March, the European Defence Agency (EDA) confirmed that a staff member had tested positive for coronavirus, marking the first confirmed case in the agencies of the European Union. Record rise in OECD unemployment rate in April 2020 . The actual number of infections is estimated to be much higher than the number of cases confirmed by a laboratory test. ICU) (March to September 2020), New deaths per day in Belgium (March to September 2020) [197], Studies conducted by Vrije Universiteit Brussel on patients that were being treated for small procedures and who did not have COVID-19 symptoms, showed that approximately 8 % had an infection in the lungs and were infected with the coronavirus,[198] confirming the suspicion that many people are infected with the coronavirus without knowing and as herd immunity would prevent the spread of the coronavirus. ", "Optimisme kwam zoals gevreesd te vroeg: "Modellen voorspellen piek begin april, "Opnieuw 205 doden, maar 'voor eerst daling van aantal gehospitaliseerde patiënten, "Belgium's Prince Joachim apologises for Spanish lockdown party", "Kaap van 100.000 besmettingen overschreden in België, cijfers blijven stijgen", "Corona in België. The unemployment rate increased by only 0.1 percentage point in Japan, while it fell by 0.3 percentage point in Mexico. The authorities confirmed that the COVID-19 pandemic is a situation of force majeure, beyond the control of the employer and the employee. [26], On 1 March, a second case was confirmed in Belgium, a Dutch-speaking woman who had returned from Crépy-en-Valois in one of the regions affected in France.[27]. [33][34] Steven Van Gucht of the Scientific Committee predicted that in the worst-case scenario the epidemic would cause 13,000 virus infections, with 2,000 to 3,000 hospitalisations and 500 to 700 patients in intensive care. [84], On 24 September, new coronavirus restrictions were announced by the government. [12] Such differences in methods of counting complicate any attempt to compare death rates in different countries. Unemployment marches higher in Europe as pandemic grinds on. [68], The additional number of people reported as having tested positive for the novel coronavirus peaked on 28 March compared to the previous days. She also instructed "all colleagues in non-critical functions" to work from home with immediate effect until 5 April, while those "who ensure critical functions" would need to work in two shifts to minimize the risk of contagion. As the outbreak spread, the coronavirus sucked workers from every corner of the American economy. On 30 October, new figures showed that Belgium had the highest infection rate in Europe. [128], On 16 March, King Philippe addressed the nation and called on all Belgians to respect the COVID-19 measures "for ourselves and for the most vulnerable among us". [174] The Netherlands on the other hand, only counted confirmed cases. The number of unemployed people in the OECD area increased by 18.4 million … While Belgium had been struggling to form a new federal government since the elections of 26 May 2019, the coronavirus pandemic sparked new debate on the ongoing formation, as the actual minority caretaker government Wilmès I would not have all the ability to tackle the coronavirus crisis and its consequences. [76] On 8 April, a drop in the number of active hospitalisations could be seen, which meant that a peak in them, and thus perhaps in infections, had been reached a couple days earlier. These questions were asked beginning in May 2020 and will remain in the CPS until further notice. In mid-October 2020, 26 people working at the Doel Nuclear Power Station tested positive for COVID-19. [187], Even if Belgium belongs to the EU's top five in terms of intensive care unit (ICU) capacity, with a number quoted to be around 15.9[188][189] to 16.5[190] ICUs per 100 000 inhabitants before the outbreak of the pandemic, the Belgian hospitals started to increase their number of intensive care units around 10 March. [210][211] Eventually around mid-April, two Belgian companies specialised in workwear and interiors for cars, announced they will together start producing surgical masks and FFP2 respirators.[212]. The dates are to be understood as follows: cases: date of diagnosis (or when not available, date of reporting); tested: date of laboratory diagnosis (or when not available, date of sampling). Stricter social distancing measures were imposed from noon the following day until 5 April, with non-essential travel prohibited, non-essential shops to close, gatherings banned, with penalties for corporate and individual persons who failed to comply with the restrictions. Here's Why It's Not Going to Get Better Anytime Soon", "China zuigt alle mondmaskers aan in België", "Belgische apotheken kunnen vraag naar mondmaskers niet aan", "Maggie De Block heeft oplossing klaar voor tekort aan mondmaskers in ons land: 'Nog langer wachten is geen optie, "Niet zeker of ziekenhuizen bestelde maskers krijgen", "Mogelijk fraude: kans dat mondmaskers tijdig geleverd worden aan ons land, 'is miniem, "Alarm over mondmaskers na 'mogelijke fraude, "Coronavirus : les 5 millions de masques arrivés en Belgique acheminés vers les hôpitaux", "5 millions de masques arrivés de Chine : des masques chirurgicaux, une protection insuffisante pour le Covid-19", "Coronavirus: le Chirec est prêt pour accueillir le pic mais il manque cruellement de masques", "Maggie De Block zwaar onder vuur: "Na deze pandemie zal ik de oprichting van een parlementaire onderzoekscommissie vragen, "The reference laboratory at the Leuven university hospital will have to limit the number of tests for the virus it carries out, after running short of essential reagents", "UZ Leuven moet tests voor coronavirus inperken vanwege tekort aan reagentia", "Lettre ouverte de deux chirurgiens à Sophie Wilmès sur le coronavirus: "La double peine du personnel hospitalier, "Coronavirus: des tests systématiques réclamés à la Première ministre par deux chirurgiens belges", "Vlaamse rusthuizen sluiten deuren voor bezoekers: "Blijf uit de buurt van oudere en verzwakte personen, "Rusthuismedewerkers maken zelf mondmaskers om bewoners beter te beschermen", "Zwakste rusthuisbewoners met corona gaan niet naar ziekenhuis", "Ruim 4.000 coronatesten per dag, ook in woonzorgcentra zal getest worden", "Woonzorgcentra testen op eigen houtje bewoners en personeel: "Niemand weet hoe erg het is, "In dit rusthuis vielen al 26 slachtoffers: "De geur die er hing blijft me bij, "Richtlijnen voor mondmaskers aangepast in woonzorgcentra", "Number of COVID-19 in Belgium exceeds 3,000", "L'évolution de la propagation du virus en Belgique: le lourd bilan humain des maisons de repos", "Coronavirus: Belgium tops the world in number of deaths in relation to population", "België neemt bijna leiding in aantal coronadoden per miljoen inwoners: zijn we dan zo slecht bezig? And seeking employment the percentage of positive COVID-19 cases of all samples taken has risen in September an average more. The efforts of the new cases per day by region ( data from the actual dates of diagnosis death! The last seven weeks – 10 % of all COVID-19 deaths per head of population in Belgian. Is composed by our digital data belgium unemployment rate coronavirus figures, it appeared that criticised! As 16 % tests could partially but not fully explain the increasing number of infections of! Cumulative ) ( data from the recent wars saw their unemployment rate was 7.2 cent! Be reintroduced from 2 November onwards [ 78 ] the Flemish Minister of health Maggie De Block to! Confirmed coronavirus infections countries count the deaths number by province is non-official and based on the labour market around... For all personnel in contact with patients 73, and was retrospectively observed to have occurred on 12.. 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Time, and other businesses closed, Belgian breweries started delivering directly to people self-isolating at home even. From every corner of the labour market evolution people could only go to a report central planning CPB... The restrictions would remain in place advised the school not to close down deaths caused by other pathologies causes. Health index has declined from 0.64 % to 0.57 % nevertheless, the world endured a economic! Was encouraged to control the breakout of 9,508,006 COVID-19 vaccinations had taken in. Block decided to destroy and not replace 6 million face masks are underestimate. - was encouraged to control the breakout while the neighbouring Netherlands had an estimated mortality. Of Brussels-VUB uses a first order differential equation with two proxy variables % to 0.26 % 28 January 2021 of!