Add new page. Chi-Chi and Brianne sealing everything is like a cheat code. Ki +2 - Metamorphosis. Unless your Kefla is weak, then she should gather minority of ki spheres. Information, guides, tips … Press J to jump to the feed. With her passive of providing 120% ATK&DEF with a +10% ATK&DEF and degrading enemy ATK&DEF by 10% per Peppy Gal ally up to 30%, she can protect your team while hitting really hard. Information, guides, tips … Press J to jump to the feed. Resurrected Warriors - Double Tapion, Golden Frieza, TEQ Cell's healing, and so much more with that category. Main stunner of the team. Register Start a Wiki. ATK +700 - Battlefield Diva. It is especially important in the final round to be cautious of oolong as he will be able to deal lots of damage to your int cards. Seals super attacks, buffs allies, debuffs enemies. edited 2 years ago. Mai stuns the enemy, while Bulma tanks whatever other enemy has to offer. Spread your debuff super attacks accross the board. F2P Androids Team Guide. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best peppy gals sbr team help". Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki. The only hard hitter in the team. Keep her on rotation with one of the Ribrianne leaders. Her SA lowers enemy DEF and recovers 8888 HP per rainbow Ki collected. Who woulda thought that Kale would ever be a support unit?! Let's not forget she can also provide +2 ki & 30% ATK&DEF to her Peppy Gal allies and seal as well. The mother-daughter duo of Bulma and Bulla does the HP recovery, tanking and dodging to survive (Enemies miss). The Free to Play Peppy Gals Team may not be the best F2P Team, but with enough luck they can get through most situations. here on DBZ Dokkan Battle! Today we take on the new Peppy Gals Super Battle Road with Kefla, Caulifla, etc. Ki +2. She changes INT orbs to PHY and gets ATK+DEF +12% per Ki collected. She has ATK+DEF +20% per Peppy gal which gives her ATK+DEF of +140%. Close. r/DBZDokkanBattle: Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! The items you should have : Bulma Future (reserved for the situations where stronger Kefla collects tons of orbs), Usher and Chi-Chi nurse (to avoid weak rotation to receive hits as much as possible), Princess snake (also for weak rotation to ensure that your team won't die when Bulma decides not to tank the hit). She does provide a good heal every round she comes out, but it will only be every third round so its not something to rely heavily upon. 9. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I have included 3 F2P cards, and I utilize a similar strategy to my ESBR Super Int tactics. Community content is available under. Peppy gals category leader. Her SA lowers enemy DEF and recovers 8888 HP per rainbow Ki collected. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. You can geta total of x45 You can claimx2 and x7 from the missions, as well as Skill Orbs, only once per stage; an additional x1 is rewarded upon the first win of a stage. Magical Girl Fighters! Not much needs to really be said here, just avoid type disadvantage hits or use items if you cant and heal when need be, should be a pretty smooth run with TEQ 18 and Kefla carrying the majority of the load. Press J to jump to the feed. Amazing unit. She boosts the team by +3 Ki and DEF +120%. She is here only to supply the +40% ATK buff to her team and get out with her 60% chance to dodge. A very good unit overall. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Peppy Gals and SAs" - Page 2. Let's not forget she can also provide +2 ki & 30% ATK&DEF to her Peppy Gal allies can seal as well as heals. log in sign up. #DragonballDokkanBattle #Free2Play #SuperBattleRoadServus Leute,ein erneutes Video und somit der Beginn der ersten Series auf meinem Kanal! And Peppy Gals SBR ? The strategy for this team is simple. She will be her to proect her team with that 120% DEF buff and sealing her enemies while hitting hard at the same time with her unconditional 100% ATK passive. The goal is to save your items for the 2nd two fights. Good F2P leader for the team, gets a +140% boost to attack and defense on the team so can pretty much do everything. Her SA seals the enemy too. Chi-Chi can occasionally seal the enemy SA to make it much easier. F2P Pure Saiyans Team Guide. Amazing unit. There is no time limit to claim the mission rewards. Another best friend to Proudest Moment Brianne de Chateau. - Only a couple Peppy Gals allies available - Abysmal linkset: A13: Destructive Android Android … She may not hit as hard as the other versions but she ramps up her damage over time and if she transforms (up to 2 times) she can provide a turn of free damage on the enemy. Tank and healer. Recover 5% HP - The Innocents. N; R; SR; SSR; UR; LR; UR & LR (EZA) By Category. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. Changes orbs, can dodge and change to additional SA; Damage dealer. She provide +3 Ki and ATK +40% to all allies. Top Tier Hybrid Saiyans Team Guide Super UR Tier List Extreme Z-Battle: Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell Guide F2P … For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "SBR- Peppy Gals". She is a strong debuffer as she will greatly reduce enemy attack and defense for 3 turns. The final F2P girl on the team. log in sign up. Ah Bulla...probably the perfect support when on the right team. This stun is almost useless as it only lasts until the end of the round, and she will always be in the third slot. (DBZ: Dokkan Battle) - Duration: 25:11. The Leader of Peppy Gals and Transformation boost. Boosts DEF and lowers ATK of enemies. Peppy gals SBR has this advantage for player that each battle consists of 2 - 3 enemies. If you can use 2 items in the first round, 3 in the second, and have 3 left over for the final round, you will be in good shape. She can recover 7777 HP per rainbow Ki and has high chance to reduce enemy attacks by 50%. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. The first 2 are insanely good in the same rotation, and since those 3 outclasses by far the other peppy gals units, I think it was rather hard for akatsuki to "balance" it. r/DBZDokkanBattle. More … Latest Content. She doesn't provide as much utility as Yacchaina or Kakunsa in terms of setting up the field. The F2P Ribrianne that you can aquire from the Spread Love! For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Can I beat Peppy Gals SBR without counting on the newest Peppy Gals dokkan?" ATK & DEF +120%; plus an additional ATK & DEF +10% and all enemies' ATK & DEF -10% (up to -30%) per "Peppy Gals" Category ally on the team; "Peppy Gals" Category allies' Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +30% and SA seals opponents Super Attack. As this is a Ribrianne themed team you will want INT Ribrianne + STR Ribrianne on one rotation and INT Ribrianne + PHY Ribrianne on the other. Rotations are [Ribrianne and Kakunsa] and [Ribrianne and Yacchaina]. **DEBUFFS DO STACK**. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. "Potara" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +150%, "Peppy Gals" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +88%, "Peppy Gals" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%, "Peppy Gals" and "Transformation Boost" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%, "Peppy Gals" or "Transformation Boost" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. PEPPY GALS SBR IS A JOKE NOW! Fluff. If you dont have her, you can use the STR Caulifla. Wikis. Add a photo to this gallery There is no time limit to claim the mission rewards. 1 Peppy Gals With the exception of a potential fully rainbowed universe 6 peppy gals team, I cannot think of any other team leader as strong as Ribrianne. … Bulla, Chi-Chi and Kale will provide all the support in the third slot. She will slowly buff her own defense and attack. Peppy gals category leader. Well she's lovely on this team as she will give her team the +30% ATK&DEF. F2P Dragon Ball Seekers Team Guide. She is going to seal the enemy, support all other allies with a 30% boost to attack and defense, and she is going to debuff the enemies at 30% attack and defense every time she appears on the field. She will slowly buff her own attack and defense, but doesn't get as tanky as Yacchaina. Yacchaina is a strong F2P choice for this team. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Largest leader skill stat boost for the category, good attack and defense buff from her passive with a nice debuff. 9. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle. I rolled over it but it's just because I have those 3 with a bunch of dupes. 2.2k members in the dokkan community. Peppy Gals - Even without Kefla or LR Kale & Caulifla carrying, double Brianne de Chataeu does very well with how a lot of the units are. Use her as a lead if you don't have INT Brianne. She is fairly easy to pull because she is not Dokkan Fest exclusive. If players lack the best Peppy Gals Team for Super Battle Road, this is the second-best option. She can launch multiple SA, lowering enemy DEF by 50% each time. As your team will tank really well, using the Bulma items will speed up your run and the scouter will pinpoint who you want to seal but these items will really not be needed. (tips: nuke with Kefla)". POWER OF LOVE PEPPY GALS SUPER BATTLE ROAD EVENT! She is going to buff several allies on the team who fall in the special pose category. Peppy Gals | Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki | Fandom. Recovers 7777 HP per Rainbow icon Ki Sphere obtained; great chance[1] to reduce damage received by 50%. Pretty much just have fun with this team it's a stroll in the park with your waifus. The hardest part of this round is not knowing how much each foe's attack has been reduced. She is also a support unit, provding 2 ki and 30% to attack and defense to all peppy gal allies, and can seal on her super attack. She provides the links needed for Kefla. Characters . You will want to Seal the super attack of the stronger foes while debuffing the attack of all the foes you can. Boost; Community; Discord; All Games; Sign In; Register; Discord Server; Q&A / Community Forum; Meta News. Log in sign up. Another amazing support and change to avoid SA. Peppy Gals SBR help". (Side note: My Kefla is without duplicates. F2P Youth Team Guide. Posted by. This is going to set us up for an easy cheesy debuff team. [Transformation Boost] I can't believe that a 120% peppy gal lead was the missing piece I needed to beat my last SBR I have 3 dupes. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. She has ATK+DEF +20% per Peppy gal which gives her ATK+DEF of +140%. ATK +10% - Signature Pose. This team will get you a No Item Run between the damage mitigation, team buffs, sealing and healing. I have 3 dupes. The other rotation should consist of Bulma and Mai. They are often looked down upon as garbage, but they get a chance to shine here. She is going to buff all special pose allies on the field, and she has a good chance to stun the enemy for the rest of the turn. User account menu • Which one is MVP for Future Saga SBR ? N° ID Name By Rarity. This has to be up there with peppy gals as easiest SBR now • Posted by just now. "Peppy Gals" and "Saiyan Warrior Race" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +100%: Greatly raises allies' ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy: Mother's Streght : ATK +77%; ATK & DEF +100% for all allies'; "Saiyan Warrior Race" Category allies' Ki +3 and ATK & DEF +70%: The Saiyan Lineage. I just managed to beat that without using anything, I'm really surprised. Deals excellent damage with her nuking passive, changes orbs for herself as well, Her dual orb-changing and android centric links are very helpful for boosting the power of TEQ 18, Nuker passive and changes orbs for herself, also has a small change to evade attacks. SBR Peppy Gals with F2P Team :) Achievement. Still worked), Linking partner for Keflas and great unit to dodge attacks of enemy that has not been stunned. Ki +2. Keep str Ribrianne, Launch, and Oceanus on the third slot. You keep two keflas in one rotation and try to share the ki between them. a total of 5 times. As the first Super Battle Road will only last 7 days, it is possible that missions will change upon an eventual return. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Both of the Ribrianne's can also recover the HP. NO ITEM PEPPY GALS CATEGORY SUPER BATTLE ROAD RUN! Like Yacchaina, Kakunsa is another strong F2P choice. DBZ Dokkan Battle VIDEO'S LIKE GOAL: 800, LET'S GET IT! Close • Crossposted by just now. She will seal enemy attack, boost her own stats when enemy attack or defense is in down status (which should be every round), and she will have a high chance to stun the enemy for the rest of the turn when their super attack is sealed. The peppy gals one is basically all about having Kefla and teq top 18, with caulifla being a big help aswell. Keep her on rotation with one of the Ribrianne leaders. She will pretty much handhold you all the way to victory with the enormous amounts of abilities at her disposal. Amazing Peppy Gals support gives Ki +3 and DEF +120%. She will pretty much handhold you all the way to victory with the enormous amounts of abilities at her disposal. F2P Mono TEQ Team Guide . F2P Peppy Gals Team Guide. u/Seizuke. She seems better than she actually is. You really want Trunks' girlfriend there. What a god send you are! With the exception of a potential fully rainbowed universe 6 peppy gals team, I cannot think of any other team leader as strong as Ribrianne. Peppy gals are easy to pull in summons. 5 times. Video Title: THE EASIEST STAGE! r/DBZDokkanBattle: Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! It's good to have RNG on your side to make the run a pleasure, If your own Kefla is weak, it's heavily recommended to take Rainbow Kefla for friend and wish for additional supers. You can claimx1 and x5 from the missions only once per stage; an additional x1 is rewarded upon the first win of a stage. Main rotations should be TEQ 18 + AGL Future 18/PHY SS2 Kefla + AGL SS2 Caulifla. All of her links match with Proudest Moment Brianne de Chateau perfectly allowing them to hit a little harder and guarenteeing a super attack. New User. Same as Leader. - Page 2. She gains 20% ATK&DEF per Peppy Gal ally and +8888 HP per rainbow orb to sustain your team...not that you will need it. I only had one dupe with SA level 2, so she didn't hit very hard. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Peppy gals sbr done! User account menu • This has to be up there with peppy gals as easiest SBR now. As a F2P and support unit I would advise you just go all out in dodging as she will not do enough damage to warrant anything else. Games Movies TV Video. She also has 30% chance to dodge per peppy gal in the team which is capped at 60%. Also really good against INT enemies. This girl is a new pull, but also relatively common. r/DBZDokkanBattle. Like many of the other peppy girls, her seal only lasts until the end of the round which is essentially useless as she will always be in the third slot. Good luck! "Peppy Gals" or "Transformation Boost" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%. She also has a 50% chance to dodge enemy SA and 30% chance to counter. "Peppy Gals" Category Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +88% (12-17 Ki) (18+ Ki) Causes colossal damage to enemy Causes mega-colossal damage to enemy: Universe 2's Warrior of Love : Ki +1, ATK +44% and recover 2019 HP per Ki Spheres obtained; ATK +88% when performing a Ultra Super Attack: Battlefield Diva. She is going to seal the enemy's attack for the rest of the turn while Ribrianne or Kakunsa is on the field with her, which should be every round. If you don't have her/can't find her, use STR Ribrianne in her place. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Finally I can rainbow Yurin. Great against AGL enemies, Lowers ATK of enemies, and has medium chance to stun attacked enemy for 2 turns. Change to dodge and/or counter; Kefla linking partner. You have 3 sealers so spread out your seals evenly to reduce the amount of supers. 4,134 Pages. stage. Note : This team survives on Kefla doing the majority of the damage (Hitting the enemies), paired with Caulifla. You will clear each node before she has enough time to do massive amounts of damage anyway. F2P Planet Namek Saga Team Guide. You can always swap Bulma for Caulifla, but I would recommend to keep Caulifla as floater as she boosts Kefla's Ki better than Bulma. Ki +1 - Saiyan Warrior Race. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Peppy Gals and SAs". The Leader of Peppy Gals and Transformation boost. ATK & DEF +20% per "Peppy Gals" Category ally on the team; recovers 8888 HP per Rainbow icon Ki Sphere obtained. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Help with Peppy Gals SBR". Dealing Immense damage on her super attack also leads to excellent damage output, Good linking partner for Kefla, always starts at max ki allowing you to funnel more orbs towards Kefla to boost her damage output, This can literally be anyone in the category, Pandel is who I used for extra offensive support. Main, in fact the only damage dealer and tank. She is fairly easy to pull because she is not Dokkan Fest exclusive. Keep her in the third slot to keep her off rotation. User account menu. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They will always be in attack down, but you can't keep track of how many stacks each foe has. Launch is a great new unit to have, but still a niche unit. More importantly for this team, she is going to reduce enemy attack for 3 turns. With her passive of providing 120% ATK&DEF with a +10% ATK&DEF and degrading enemy ATK&DEF by 10% per Peppy Gal ally up to 30%, she can protect your team while hitting really hard. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? F2P Fusions Team Guide. Really the only flaw I can think of is that her linkset isnt the greatest match for the other saiyans on the team. Can also seal enemies. Event Announcement. This King Cold comes from the Super Strike Event [Cold-Blooded King], so he is very easy to obtain. On a full Peppy Gal team, she gets a monstrous 190% boost to attack and defense and debuffs all enemies attack and defense by 30%. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Community content is available under. It's recommended to keep two Keflas in one rotation. F2P Movie Heroes Team Guide. Close • Posted by. Rotations: Bulla/Bulma; Caulifla/Kefla; both Ribrianne; Chi-Chi as floater. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! | Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle SUPER CLASS CATEGORY SUPER BATTLE ROAD! 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