The Model 3. en Change Language. Components Components (Cont d) Example Components (cont d) Components (cont d) 3. the theory of reasoned action is not falsifiable, then it is not a good theory regardless of how many researchers believ e it to be useful. ... 3/31/2019 2 Theory of Reasoned Action Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975. +, 0 @ On-screen Show e ? PowerPoint behavioral. Close suggestions. PowerPoint behavioral. Explain how the constructs of attitude, subjective norm, volitional control, and behavioral control influence intention. W ith this point in mind, I hav e two goals. Assumptions 2. 4. Upload. The Model 3. the Theory of Reasoned Action/Theory of Planned Behavior (TRA/TPB), social support and social networks, social marketing, diffusion of innovations, and several communication theories. First developed in the late 1960s by Martin Fishbein and revised and expanded by Fishbein and Icek Azjen Focuses on a person's INTENTION to behave a certain way Key Concepts Behavior Behavioral Intention Attitude Behavioral Belief Evaluation … Assumptions Man is “basically a rational information processor” “Beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and behaviors are influenced by the information available...” How we process information determines the effects of communication 2. Theory of Reasoned Action Ppt - View presentation slides online. The Theory of Reasoned Action posits that behavior is a function of behavioral intentions that are, in turn, a function of attitudes and subjective norms (see Figure 1). Health Belief Model . Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned Behavior STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES After reading this chapter the student will be able to: Explain the concept of the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behavior. تئوری عمل منطقی در سال 1980 توسط اجزن و فیشبین به عنوان بسط تئوری عمل معقول (که در سال 1975 تهیه شده بود) توسعه یافت. View Chapter 5 PPT.ppt from NBSH 978886 at Valley High, Hayfork. 3/31/2019 3 Theory of Reasoned Action. Important Theories and Their Key Constructs. Search Search. Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Times New Roman Arial Black Tahoma Monotype Sorts Arial Contemporary Portrait Clip Theory of Reasoned Action 1. The Theory of Planned Behavior took the components of the Theory of Reasoned Action, but added perceived behavioral control as … CHAPTER 5 Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of Planned Behavior Historical Evolution • 1960s: Theory of reasoned action (TRA) Theory of Reasoned Action Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975 1. -- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. این [تئوری] بهترین پیشبینیکننده رفتار یک فرد در مقابل تصمیمش برای انجام رفتار است.