Show More. There is the need for corrective measures to be taken to portray a good picture of the police force. Moreover, while five percent of the Blacks killed were women, the bulk of those killed have been Black men like Rodney King. The issue of police brutality did not begin with the advent of modern democracies but has been in existence for a very long time; however, very few people are courageous to discuss and condemn it (Embrick, 2015). This can create a biased outlook or also makes more situations difficult as they can see a person of color being detained and immediately suggest that the person did nothing wrong to deserve it. Explore our essay examples to learn more. The educational program among the police officers is of central importance; subsequently, there must be experts who could give some practical advice for the policemen to improve their work and avoid violence. Essays on Police Brutality. Because of this incident and others that she witnessed prior, she stated that she did not want to open her door to the officers because she is afraid of them” (Elicker 33). $35.80 for a 2-page paper. These are people … Moreover, the clergy have always extolled the question of morality, whereas the police actions cannot always be called humane because of certain reasons. This has obviously changed in recent years with the advent of cellular telephones with video cameras and YouTube as an Internet outlet to expose police abuse and brutality” (Lyle 155). Mostly, they fought against racism. Police brutality essay requires hard work, preparation, and explanations. They should be aware of the fact that they may be punished for their actions. Furthermore, the common practice of convict leasing served to "fill the labor void left by the abolition of the "peculiar institution" (i.e., slavery) . Due to this issue focusing primarily on blacks, this is grouped at the base of social issues, there is just about a specific approval for cops to act along these lines because police officers seek to justify themselves, considering that this happens frequently. The public always want to be aware of what is happening in the country and can support the oversight board if the latter will manage to win the public’s trust. She was charged with aggravated assault on a police officer, which is a felony. Hire a subject expert to help you with Police brutality argumentative essay. Shaun King is the senior justice writer at the New York Daily News. Police are the servants of justice. The government on the federal as well as the state level in collaboration with the civil society should focus on building trust and promoting the legitimacy of both the citizens and the police officers (President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, 2015). The paradox is that sometimes their actions are even more aggressive and brutal than expected. Police brutality has destroyed trust between police officers and citizens, casuing a lack of respect towards police officers. Police brutality may be a global concern, but it is a subject that has taken on a heightened awareness in the United States with high profile cases. can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Should the English police carry and use firearms? Even among other countries who experience this injustice, the use of video recording has helped bring justice and attention towards official who claims that their use of force was necessary. Any type of essay. Frequently, the cases involve a white police officer with an African-American crook encounter. Also, a good argumentative essay on police brutality will outline important aspects such as statistic findings, racism among law enforcement officials or effective ways to combat violence. Amongst fellow officers, they believe that society has already deemed them as vigilantes and quick to use a gun when not necessary. As law enforcement officers, it is in their job description and ideals to “serve and protect” the community but it seems as in recent years that some have chosen to do quite the opposite, therefore the phrase has lost its meaning. Jones states that “But what the most recent literary contribution makes clear is that, while the issue of police brutality may be hot, it is not new. Police Brutality Essay. Scholars Solutions to Police Brutality Mostly all of us stick to a conception that the police are the structure responsible for defending us in case of a threat to our human, political or civil rights. This is also in part by the fact that most of the individuals slandering them are the actual minorities. Lynch suggests that the solution to this issue is to have activists protest peacefully without violence, instead of holding the police officers who are abusing their power within black communities accountable. 10% Free essays > Justice > Solutions to Police Brutality > Buy essay. Elicker explains that “ People who aren't in law enforcement do not understand the necessity for use of force, so they will have a less positive view than those who enforce the law on a daily basis. If a threat has not formed itself towards the officer in question, then no force should be used. As racism has still managed to become an issue in our society and how it was also prevalent in the years of segregation it is easy to make a connection on how racial profiling in police departments is still relevant in recent years. America established its first police department in Boston in the year 1838 roughly around the time of the jim crow laws. Police brutality may be a global concern, but it is a subject that has taken on a heightened awareness in the United States with high profile cases. Police brutality is one of several ways in which systems and institutions oppress some groups and afford opportunities to others simply based on … This U.S. Attorney General neglects to understand that when groups of Black men and women feel they have to resort to violence in order for change, this shows how big of an issue this really is. Some would label this the cause of racial profiling as I stated previously that Trayvon Martin was also unharmed yet still gunned down. Delivery policy, Criminal Defenses and Punishments →, Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy Delivery Policy property. If police … However, the question of morality has always had ambivalent attitudes. They pulled her out of her house, onto the street and handcuffed her. The claim that is routinely validated against the police is a false catch. Earlier in this essay I explained that this social problem is considered a minor problem and therefore at the frequency at which this happens, a norm. Joel: Since 2014 there has been a constant problem faced by many African-Americans that has been getting an increase amount of attention as of late: police brutality and prejudices. If force is used after the threat has been subdued, then it is labeled as an excessive amount of force regardless of what led up to it. 1313 Words 6 Pages. The information mentioned above is not simply a type of gossips or rumors. This can also be explained by the Conflict Theory. For an in-depth analysis, including solutions to police brutality, see our examples of a persuasive essay or a research paper on this issue. Thus, the establishment of the oversight board could help to educate the police officers of a new age and teach them to use more humane methods of struggling against the injustice and analyze their actions. Tips on final revision. It is a debate that has been a focal. This can be shown as a precipitating cause or the “trigger mechanism” as the more injustice that minorities face and discrimination that is shown on the media, the more likely that there will be signs of aggression and lack of respect towards officials. The underlying issue of this topic is vast and requires multiple angles to be looked at which I aim to do in this report. After late occurrences of viciousness, put flyers and other enlightening materials up at schools, group focuses, and organization s agreeable to the reason. America established its first police department in Boston in the year 1838 roughly around the time of the jim crow laws. Possible Solutions to the Problem of Police Brutality Building Trust and Legitimacy. They convey that this is considered a norm, explaining that “Informal norms of police work define extralegal sanctions, particularly excessive force, as normal and essential instruments of control for handling individuals perceived as challenging officers' authority, who pose a threat to their well-being, or who are otherwise discredited”(Smith and Holmes 1035) They also goes on to say that “Insofar as police see minority citizens as posing a special threat to their authority and well-being, and given that their wide discretionary power allows them to respond differentially to citizens in poor minority areas” (Smith and Holmes 1035). Police brutality essay belongs to argumentative essays and represents a report revealing misdemeanor actions of the representatives of the police departments. While people of all racial groups have fallen victim to police brutality, Black men and women are most susceptible to it and suffer from it more than any other group. Privacy policy | It is possible that as much of what we do see involving police handling situations, it can show that society also places automatic hate and distrust on officers. Police Brutality Essay Sample Posted on July 5, 2017 July 6, 2017 by writemyessaynow Police have a duty to protect us and serve people but, unfortunately, like in cases with any other people who have a great deal of authority, their powers can be sometimes abused. This factor may lead to a conflict between these two powerful structures. This topic wouldn't have much of a long-lasting argument if there was not another claim as to why sometimes the force that would be deemed necessary is actually justified. Hire a subject expert to help you with Solutions to police brutality essay. My essay will be about police brutality in the African American community. Show more Filter . Also the process of hiring police applicants should be more precise. Names like Walter Scott, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Amadou Diallo, Sean Bell, and many others have created calls to find meaningful solutions to police brutality. Gordon explained a particular situation in where Palestinians were subject to police misconduct, “June 17, for instance, border policeman Wael Sabit fired a rubber bullet at a Palestinian demonstrator, wounding him in the leg, and then arrested him for allegedly throwing stones at the police. This has been and continues to be a widespread and ongoing problem that faces our society today. Background. A reciprocating cause from this shows that from what citizens hear about and see on the news can lead to them being fearful of the officials. Thus, if the suspect threatens the officer with a weapon or there is probable cause to believe that he has committed a crime involving the infliction or threatened infliction of serious physical harm, deadly force may be used if necessary to prevent escape, and if, where feasible, some warning has been given” (Harmon 1119). This signifies an underlying problem as well, because of as much coverage and as many acts that we see of this violence it still continues to happen unabated. Police brutality originated from the labor worker strikes in the 1800’s through the 1900’s. The violence among the U.S. citizens prompt the violation of human rights. In 1967 there was created an organization that had a task of reviewing citizens’ complaints concerning the police brutality. Three other border policemen backed Sabit's story in court. Shaun King is the senior justice writer at the New York Daily News. In conclusion, the necessary steps to be taken in order to solve this issue is to teach rational thinking skills and decision making within police departments. Some may argue […] These are people whose duty is to fight against the violence in the world. Reflections from the One-Percent of Local Police Departments with Mandatory Four-Year Degree Requirements For New Hires: Are They Diamonds in the Rough? Chaney and Robertson state that “From January 1 - June 30,2012, one Black person was killed by law enforcement or someone acting in such a capacity every 36 hours, representing a total of 120 persons. The topic of discussion is police brutality. Over the recent years, police have been one of the organizations to be associated with the largest cases of misconduct. Police Brutality Police brutality has played a major role and has left a big impact on today’s society. Any subject. This is also where the use of media can become faulty as an unprofessional opinion would not be able to understand the necessity of the force being used. Get help with writing. America is built upon the idea of equal justice which also equates to using the necessary amount of force on all offenders. Terms and Conditions | Police brutality is one of several ways in which systems and institutions oppress some groups and afford opportunities to others simply based on … She states that when a situation unfolds it requires a quick succession thought process and they must use the tools at their disposal in order to maintain safety. If you want to sound more convincing, then include … Names like Walter Scott, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Amadou Diallo, Sean Bell, and many others have created calls to find meaningful solutions to police brutality. Because this is the case, most people don't get to witness others' jobs on a regular basis and therefore wouldn't have as good of a perspective on the jobs that others do, such as police work” (Elicker 33). That is why community policing needs to be reborn, revolutionized, and reintroduced into all communities. This in turn created problems for African-Americans as this made them easy targets for police misconduct for more racial reasons. Again, other marginalized communities like the Indian-Americans and Hispanic also suffer the officer brutality; this suggests that the minorities majorly experience rough poli… The case of Rodney King was the first biggest story of police brutality and helped lots of people who managed groups aimed to fight against injustice. A sensible idea was expressed by the clergymen, who suggested organizing the oversight board to monitor and control the police behavior. Society is able to see firsthand what goes on in the news “When a crime is committed by a law enforcement officer, it is hard to report and even harder to press charges. Police brutality is a form of misconduct by police officers involving the use of excessive and /or unnecessary force when dealing with civilians. Sadly, Mr. Crutcher later […] Even a small mistake can ruin the trust of the public and cause conflicts. Without a doubt, the issue cannot be left without public attention because in most cases we can observe the cruel deprivation of human rights. Numerous individuals … Retrieved from Video cameras recorded a lot of scenes of police brutality during the interrogation. As Chaney and Robertson states on the history of mistreatment within the government “In 1865, Whites created The Black Codes, which were a body of laws, statutes, and rules that allowed members of this group to regain control over the freed slaves, maintain white supremacy, and ensure the continued supply of cheap labor. Haven’t found the relevant content? He asked that these police brutality essays be shared far and wide. The violent brutal act of these officers usually formed around the lower socioeconomic class. You can browse our site and find an essay on police brutality … I will present facts about police brutality in the African American community, I will also go deeper about the history of police brutality and also will get into the history and how police started as first in America. When police offers use excessive force, they can do it physically, mentally, emotionally, or verbally. To satisfy the South's acute labor need, the criminal justice system was "retooled to provide cheap forced labor to mines, farms, timber camps, turpentine makers, railroad builders and entrepreneurs large and small”(Chaney and Robertson, 108-122). Police brutality can be termed as the process of misuse. Furthermore, 69% of those who lost their lives were between the ages of 13 and 31, which in essence, are killing off a generation of potential revolutionaries. People have always believed in equal justice, which is an important political tenet of society., Patrol Rifles: Arming Officers to Succeed. Every year, many people report the use of excessive force by police officers in different parts of the world. Consequently, the public scrutiny took this question into consideration. Solutions to police brutality essay. We understand that this subject can be tricky. In fact, the essays trace police brutality against African-Americans back to the days of slavery”( 3) meaning that this has been an ongoing issue for some time now, its just garnered more attention due to social media and more coverage on the news. Solutions to Police Brutality. (2020, Aug 04). For an in-depth analysis, including solutions to police brutality, see our examples of a persuasive essay or a research paper on this issue. Searching for the solutions to police brutality essay makes students more aware of their rights and possibilities to withstand the violence. Hire a subject expert to help you with Solutions to police brutality essay. Solutions to Stop Police Brutality. Mostly all of us stick to a conception that the police are the structure responsible for defending us in case of a threat to our human, political or civil rights. They could help to lead the educational work among the police officers and give lectures on the importance of spiritual development. In the United States almost every week there are new articles about police brutality. Given the nature of these acts, it's important to understand that this is a community issue that revolves around minorities. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are collected. Police brutality has gained more ground on the news because now everyone has access to vast amounts of media. This can range from verbal communication, a guiding gesture, forceful restraint, or if necessary a gunshot. 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian reg. Typically, roles of these forces are maintaining public order, ensure public safety, enforce laws, and prevent, detect and investigate crimes. The public has always treated every situation from the point of morality. Police can seize without a warrant for a legitimate offense or wrongdoing … To succeed in it, they should simply be honest and always strive to deliver actual information. Solutions to police brutality essay. Although they might not have touched the man too much, their tactics which caused him to be afraid and the fact that he was caught on camera can illustrate what would be seen as excessive force. For example, on September 16, 2016, nearby recordings of Officer Betty Jo Shelby clearly shows her firing an unexpected gunshot at Terence Crutcher, an unarmed black man, ultimately striking him in the chest. Trayvon Martin is the latest and biggest controversy of this generation, who was also unharmed and profiled as suspicious was killed at the age of 17. In spite of the fact that not comprehensively talked, it is sure this issue is only an appearance of bigotry in our general public. Possible solutions to police brutality include stopping racial profiling, holding officers accountable, and offering better police training. Despite the fact that the oversight board was not so potent to resolve all problems, it helped to check the acts of extreme violence provoked by the police. Police brutality is the lavish physical assault or verbal assault during police procedures which can involve interrogating or apprehending a suspect. Bradley Smith, a researcher of Liberal Arts and Malcolm Holmes who holds a degree in Criminology, this reciprocating cause can explain that due to past issues between the police and people of color, it would seem that police need to express their authority to prevent a premeditated altercation. Quick to use a gun when not necessary citizens ’ complaints concerning the police force 10 % discount,. Validated against the police force African American community important to understand that this continues. A task of reviewing citizens ’ complaints concerning the police brutality issue, incidences. 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