Oriental Bittersweet . Plant Control:Bittersweet can be difficult to control. Also known by many common names. It is native to China, where it is the most widely distributed Celastrus species, and to Japan and Korea. In the mid-1900s, many people promoted the use of Oriental bittersweet for its hardiness and showy fruit which contributed to its popularity as an ornamental vine. Life Cycle Three varieties are described from southeastern Asia [15,82], but none are distinguished in North America. Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Michigan Natural Features Inventory. Other potential characteristics such as leaf shape (Oriental bittersweet has rounder leaves) and fruit ⦠This invasive vine is shade intolerant and colonizes by prolific vine growth and seeds that are spread by birds, mammals, and people. The .gov means it’s official.Federal government websites always use a .gov or .mil domain. Genus: Celastrus. University of Maine. Forest Service. The leaves are alternate, oblong, 2 to 5 inches (4-12 cm) long, and ⦠Inconspicuous orange-yellow flowers appear in May. Scientific Name: Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. Habit. Any mention of trade, products, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by North Carolina State University. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A non-native, deciduous, perennial woody vine that twines around and climbs up trees and shrubs. The first part of the name, Celastrus, is the genus, the second, orbiculatus, the specific epithet. loeseneri, C ... hedge-rows and coastal areas and can grow in open sites or under a closed forest canopy. Celastrus orbiculatus Oriental bittersweet is an invasive, non-native vine that is native to China, Japan and Korea. Delaware Wildflowers ⢠Scientific names. The scientific name of Oriental Bittersweet Vine is Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. Oriental Bittersweet Common Name: Oriental Bittersweet. Other Common Names: Oriental bittersweet, Asian or Asiatic bittersweet. Invasive Plant Species Assessment Working Group. Monitor for new seedlings and control as needed. Celastrus orbiculata Thunb. Collect and bag vines with fruit. Plant Names (Nomenclature) National Invasive Species Information Center, Early Detection & Distribution Mapping System (EDDMapS) - Oriental Bittersweet, YouTube - Defeating a Killer Vine: Oriental Bittersweet Management, Invasive Plants of Ohio: Fact Sheet 9 - Japanese Honeysuckle & Asian Bittersweet (PDF | 214 KB), Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council Invasive Plant Manual - Oriental Bittersweet, Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States - Oriental bittersweet, Woody Invasive Species - Oriental Bittersweet, New Hampshire's Prohibited Invasive Plant Fact Sheets, Forest Pests: Invasive Plants and Insects of Maryland - Oriental Bittersweet (Aug 2012) (PDF | 242 KB), Invasive Species Best Control Practices - Oriental Bittersweet (2012) (PDF | 321 KB), Invasive Plant Species Fact Sheet: Oriental Bittersweet (2006) (PDF | 695 KB), Invasive Plants in Pennsylvania: Oriental Bittersweet (PDF | 690 KB), Invasive Plant Fact Sheet - Oriental Bittersweet (Nov 2011) (PDF | 90 KB), Introduced Species Summary Project - Oriental Bittersweet, Invasive Plants and Insects: Oriental Bittersweet, Invasive, Exotic Plants of the Southeast - Oriental Bittersweet, Maine Invasive Plants Bulletin: Asiatic Bittersweet. 2010. Vining plants like the Oriental Bittersweet showing its fall colors above are capable of choking out the planted species in a vegetated stormwater system. Celastrus orbiculatus is a woody vine of the family Celastraceae. Bittersweet nightshade is a vine-like perennial that can grow to a height of approximately 3 m. It has alternating heart-shaped oval leaves that usually have 2 small ear-like segments at their bases. It was introduced into the United States around 1860 as an ornamental plant. North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Oriental bittersweet, Asiatic bittersweet, round-leaved bittersweet, Oriental staff vine, climbing spindle berry, Introduced as an ornamental and for erosion control (, Grows as a vine that smothers plants and uproots trees due to its weight (. Oriental Bittersweet is a Vine. For example, botanical nomenclature classifies Oriental bittersweet as Celastrus orbiculatus. Common Name: Oriental bittersweet, round-leaved bittersweet, Asiatic bittersweet Family Name: Celastraceae - Staff-tree family Native Range: Asia NJ Status: Widespread and highly threatening to native plant communities. Morphology: Oriental bittersweet is a deciduous liana [175]. Or, to display all related content view all resources for Oriental Bittersweet. The stems are woody and twining [42,88,114,129]. What is Oriental Bittersweet? Provides state, county, point and GIS data. Date of U.S. Introduction: 1860s . Pennsylvania State University. Plant Search > Oriental Bittersweet Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus) About Oriental Bittersweet. The leaves are alternate with round or tapered tips. Status: Invasive. Scientific name: Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. Climbing Oriental bittersweet vines severely damage ⦠University of Georgia. ... Scientific name: Solanum dulcamara. Oriental Bittersweet is able to hybridize with American Bittersweet â could end up potentially threatening the genetic identity of the American Bittersweet; Burning Bush. Oriental Bittersweet is an invasive climbing vine from Asia that can kill trees reducing our bio-diversity. Forest Service. In surveys along the plain of Lake Michigan (including sites in Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan), Oriental bittersweet stems were likely young, ranging from only 2.4 to 10.5 mm DBH [88]. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. This species is Introduced in the United States. Common Name: Oriental bittersweet Scientific Name: Celastrus orbiculatus Origin: Asia. Scientific Name: Celastrus orbiculata Thunb. Oriental bittersweet is a serious threat to plant communities due to its high reproductive rate, long range dispersal, ability to root sucker, and rapid growth rate. It grows very aggressively and can reach up to 60 feet tall. name search type enter a search name State Search ... Oriental bittersweet General Information; Symbol: CEPA7 Group: Dicot ... Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report. Center for Environmental Research and Conservation. Small, inconspicuous, axillary, greenish-white flowers bloom from May to early June. Alternative Native Species: Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), Supplejack (Berchemia scandens), Strawberrybush (Euonymus americana). Origin: Northeastern Asia, Eastern Russia, China, Japan, Korea. PrintPrepared by Jennifer L. DâAppollonio, Assistant Scientist, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469. Scientific Name: Celastrus orbiculatus. North Carolina State University. The leaves are alternate with round or tapered tips. To avoid having to purchase a large quantity of a triclopyr concentrate such as Garlon, you may want to buy a pint or quart container of Brush-B-Gon Poison Ivy Killer at the hardware or home supply warehouse. Dab the undiluted concentrate on the freshly cut stems. Although another plant, bittersweet nightshade, also has \"bittersweet\" in its common name, you know immediately when you see its Latin name (Solanum dulcamara, where the first Latin name is for the genus, nightshade, and the second is for the specific epithet, bittersweet) that it is not related to Celastrus orbiculatus (Solanu⦠It closely resembles the native North American species, Celastrus scandens, wi⦠(ITIS) Common Name: Oriental bittersweet, Asiatic bittersweet, round-leaved bittersweet, Oriental staff vine, climbing spindle berry. The olive drab vine may reach a thickness of 4 inches in diameter. Appearance. Oriental bittersweet closely resembles American bittersweet (Celastrus scandens). Its fruiting stems are cut in fall and used for decoration, which unfortunately facilitates its spread. It was introduced from Southeast Asia around 1860 as an ornamental vine. ... Scientific Name Reference: USDA, NRCS. This plant is a bad weed in Delaware. In the home landscape it is probably best to cut the vines back to the ground and immediately treat the cut stem with herbicide. oriental bittersweet Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. ARS. The main difference: Celastrus scandens has flowers and fruits at the ends of branches; Celastrus orbiculatus has flowers in the axils of the leaves. Michigan Department of Natural Resource; Michigan State University Extension. oriental bittersweet, Asiatic bittersweet. Plant Type: Woody Vine. Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health. This site is also protected by an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate that’s been signed by the U.S. government. Google. Its star-shaped flowers bloom from April to September; the flowers are pinkish-purple with bright yellow stamens. Click on the plant names below to open a drop-down with images and more information about each of these common GI invaders. New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food. Check the label and make sure you get the 8% triclopyr concentrate rather than the ready-to-use spray. Common Names. University of Pennsylvania. The alternate leaves are elliptic to ovate, and spiral evenly around the stem. Herb: Oriental Bittersweet Latin name: Celastrus orbiculatus Synonyms: Celastrus articulatus Family: Celastraceae (Bittersweet Family) Medicinal use of Oriental Bittersweet: The roots, stems and leaves are antiphlogistic, antirheumatic, depurative and tonic. Synonyms: Celastrus orbiculata. three-valved, round, green to bright yellow when mature, yellow outer covering splits to reveal orange-red berry The section below contains highly relevant resources for this species, organized by source. Oriental bittersweet plants are vines that grow up to 60 feet long and can get four inches in diameter. Maryland Department of Natural Resources. The Pennsylvania Flora Project of Morris Arboretum. Description. Synonyms (former Scientific Names): Celastrus orbiculata . Cutting or pulling alone does not work because cutting stimulates the vine to re-sprout ten-fold and any broken off piece of root will re-grow. Known by its scientific name Celastrus orbiculatus, Oriental bittersweet is a vine that is native to China, Japan and Korea. Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure you’re on a .gov or .mil site by inspecting your browser’s address (or “location”) bar. This website uses a cookie to track whether you choose to see the weeds in order by scientific name or common name. Conduplicate (folded in half lengthwise with the upper side inward) leaves are Oriental bittersweet and involute (inward curling) leaves are American bittersweet. The PLANTS Database. Other names for this plant ... Asian bittersweet, Asian loeseneri bittersweet, Japanese bittersweet, round leaf bittersweet; Scientific names: Celastrus rosthornianus var. Scientific Name: Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. They are fast-growing and attractive, with light green, finely toothed leaves. TAXONOMY: The scientific name of Oriental bittersweet is Celastrus orbiculatusThunb. Oriental bittersweet is a woody vine that is native to China, Korea, and Japan. âCelastrusâ is an ancient Greek name for an ⦠Elliptic to ovate ⦠USDA. Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. Common Name: Oriental Bittersweet. Oriental Bittersweet Information. Common Name: Oriental bittersweet, Asian bittersweet Scientific name: Celastrus orbiculatus Identification: Oriental bittersweet is a perennial, twining woody vine that loses its leaves annually and has male and female flowers on separate plants (i.e., it is dioecous). Scientific Name Synonyms. It was introduced to North America in the mid-1860s as an ornamental. National Genetic Resources Program. Ecology: Oriental Bittersweet occurs primarily along forest edges, roadsides, and meadows. Updated April 2019. Scientific Name: Celastrus orbiculatus . Note that very small seedlings can be hand-pulled but larger vines over a few inches tall will probably break off when pulled up and any root pieces left in the ground will re-grow. When using herbicides remember to follow label-recommendations. Scientific Name: Euonymus Alatus. Identification: Oriental Bittersweet is a deciduous woody vine that may climb 60 feet into tree crowns. Native To: Eastern Asia . Cooperative Extension. American or climbing bittersweet, native to about 40 percent of the northeastern U.S., is not as common as it once was. Clusters of small capsules containing 3 fleshy scarlet sections each with 2 white seeds mature from August to January. National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. The Oriental Bittersweet vine will climb other plants, wrapping itself like twine. Cooperative Extension. Habit: It is a climbing, woody vine that can suffocate trees and spreads by seeds and sprouting of roots. It is in the stafftree (Celastraceae) family. It was introduced into North America in 1879, and is considered to be an invasive species in eastern North America. The similar native bittersweet, Celastrus scandens, is virtually gone. Oriental bittersweet has since spread throughout the temperate eastern US and Canada. States Counties Points List Species Info. Cooperative Extension. Background/Introduction to the United States: Oriental bittersweet This plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below.This plant may be known by one or more common names in ⦠Oriental, or asiatic, bittersweet is a perennial, deciduous vine that can grow up to 60 ft. Its stems have dark brown, striated bark. Oriental bittersweet, Asiatic bittersweet, Asian bittersweet, Round-leaved bittersweet. Bittersweet nightshade is a member of the same family as the potato, tomato, and belladona. American bittersweet has the scientific name of Celastrus scandens (se-LAS-trus SKAN-dens). Identification: Oriental Bittersweet is a deciduous woody vine that may climb 60 feet into tree crowns. GRIN-Global. Columbia University. I was surprised at some of the cool facts there were about Oriental bittersweet, like how it spreads so quickly. Stems have dark brown, striated bark. YouTube; University of Minnesota Extension. Oriental bittersweet. Scientific Name: Celastrus orbiculatus Common Name: Oriental bittersweet. Species Epithet: orbiculatus. They may reach 66 feet (20 m) in length and 4 inches (10 cm) in width [24,25,143], depending upon stem age and supporting vegetation [24]. The https:// means all transmitted data is encrypted — in other words, any information or browsing history that you provide is transmitted securely. Since this is a somewhat rigid woody vine that grips tightly, as the diameter of the tree increases it will crush and girdle itself against the vine. Leaves are simple, alternate, elliptic-to-round in shape with slightly toothed margins. Indiana Department of Natural Resources. It is a climbing, woody vine that can suffocate trees and spreads by seeds and sprouting of roots. [35,50,78,82,91,123]. Vines are either woody or herbaceous plants that climb or sprawl. The ⦠It is commonly called Oriental bittersweet, as well as Chinese bittersweet, Asian bittersweet, round-leaved bittersweet, and Asiatic bittersweet. Maps can be downloaded and shared. I think that was the most important thing about this species that I learned and also how it grows so quickly and can be used as a medicine. Woody Invasives of the Great Lakes Collaborative. Oriental Bittersweet Celastraceae â Bittersweet family Invasive non-native The backyard May 2003. Common Name: Oriental bittersweet Scientific Name: Celastrus orbiculatus Native Range: Asia Biology & Description: Oriental, or Asiatic, bittersweet is a perennial, deciduous vine that can grow to 60 feet. Division of Plant Industry. This plant is found widely throughout Europe, Asia, the US, and Canada. You can try using undiluted glyphosate concentrate (53.8% preferable) but if that does not keep the vine from re-sprouting then you may have to resort to a triclopyr-based product. The round yellow fruits split to reveal red berries that birds happily devour all winter long. Going Native: Urban Landscaping for Wildlife with Native Plants. Drop-Down with images and more Information about each of these common GI invaders is gone. Can get four inches in diameter about each of these common GI invaders other common Names: Oriental has... Japan, Korea scientific name oriental bittersweet scientific name Oriental bittersweet as Celastrus orbiculatus the most distributed. Japan, Korea is probably best to cut the oriental bittersweet scientific name back to the ground immediately. 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