This is priceless, wonderful help! My father is on coumadin and after he started taking it … Angiogram showed 65-95% blockage. I had CABG x 4 June 2019. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Howard University and teaches graduate students, medical students, and medical residents in various specialties, in the areas of genetics, genetic testing, genetic counseling and ethics. Some people find that they breathe differently after surgery because it hurts to cough or take a deep breath. Changed my diet and the medications have my cholesterol at 88 with HDL at 41 and LDL at 38. Most importantly, my heart rate is still in 90s most of the time with palpitation. The biggest downside is depression. my vision is not good and at time i get scared thinking i am getting blind. It’s estimated that up to 40 per cent of people report hallucinations and other aspects of delirium following some types of surgery. No one one warns about it, just kind of happens. Surgery successful, blood clots in the harvest leg, blood thinners corrected the blood clots, recovery going well. I have a very good support system with family and friends. He acts like it is no big deal! I didn’t find anyone on this blog who have had this condition. He then booked me for an MRI so he could see the full extent. She has also worked to raise awareness of FH in the NSGC community, by providing a Janus series lecture at the 2013 NSGC Annual Conference on FH, writing blogs about FH and cascade testing, among other activities. Among his scientific contributions, he pioneered use of a new approach to quantify genetic risk (‘genome-wide polygenic scores’) for common diseases, developed biomarkers that provide new biologic insights, and analyzed large-scale gene sequencing data to highlight key pathways driving risk for cardiometabolic disease. Initially i thought i could do it all but in the end i can’t express how lucky i was to have a sister and brother to help me. I have had such an emotional and spiritual journey. I don’t just know the reason why some people is finding it difficult to believe that there is a cure for herpes, I have been suffering from herpes since six years with my wife but today I am happy that I have been cured from it with the herbal medicine made by Dr abaka the great healer, I was browsing the internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr abaka cure Him from Herpes Virus. Can you share me if it is normally? Just doing little things like getting out of bed without help sometimes or making coffee is a challenge. He can't take beta blockers he is allergic to them. But then I realize that in a lot of blogs I see of peoples experiences, even if family are allowed, they are really beat from everyday milestones. But is is good to be here. Director, Slovenian National Registry of Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Rare Dyslipidemias I start cardiac rehab very soon and walk 4-5 days a week. The FH Foundation Unless you receive a miraculous instant healing, you should expect the healing to take a minimum of 6 to 8 weeks, no matter what type of surgery it was. One gentleman said that they had a porcine valve installed and were concerned with having to replace it in the future — The doctors can now repair the valve by introducing a valve in valve replacement without having to bust open your chest again (specifically for older folks) I will check back from time to time and let you know how my recovery goes. I walked prior to surgery, while I had not felt well for most of the summer I never felt like I couldn’t walk because my hips hurt so badly, my legs feel like they weight a Ton each and I have increase numbness especially to my feet. I am 67 YO and had a six CABG in September. I’m frightened, anxious, tired, no taste ….. What are other peoples’ experience? I have to keep my head above water & just keep trying to move forward regardless of how slow that may be. I try to eat healthy and try to go the holistic/ natural way of life. Bleeding during surgery can result in a reduction in the number of red blood cells an individual has in circulation. The lower the number of red blood cells, the greater the fatigue. I was very very poorly no i wouldnt go through it again. Mine is similar to yours Aortic valve replaced and Graft also…. I notice that your valve take around 30 years. The angiogram showed triple blocks. Then my heart was beating 240 bpm and they stopped and started it six times to get rhythm BUT I need beta blockers to maintain it, if I stop beta blockers it climbs back up fast, I was so sick, I mean deaths door and couldn’t be discharged, they flew me to my local hospital for aftercare. What made it worse for me is that I lost my wife just 2 years ago so going through this alone was tough – I really have to fight depression. . All in all I guess I am doing very well. Duquette serves on the Executive Steering Committee for the PCORI funded American BRCA Outcomes & Utilization of Testing Network (ABOUT) Network, Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered (FORCE) Advisory Board, Institute of Medicine (IOM) Ovarian Cancer Research Committee, and eXamining Relevance of Articles for Young Survivors (XRAYS) Steering Committee. My pcp helped me more than Cardiology doc and was less expensive. Cardiologist tried to fix me with stents three times before they gave up and recommended surgery. Most days I don’t even think about it but, there are times that fear still reminds me of what happened. Last Forward to today March 27….unreal last night things progressed fairly well and to me, somewhat rapidly. But still i feel little bit of energy lost during the day and i keep taking Vitamin C to reboot. I’m a week home from the hospital! Wow! Everything is tasting good again. Although I do have the scar and chest pains a lot of you have I feel after reading your stories this is pretty normal. If your fatigue isn't clearly linked to surgery, plan to see someone about it. After a little over 2 months. Dr. Lane-Fall is the founding Co-Director of the Penn Center for Perioperative Outcomes Research and Transformation. Fatigue can come and go. Three months after surgery I was playing full court basketball and made it to opening day of my 55+ Baseball League (90 feet bases, bunting, stealing… real baseball, not softball) and proceeded to have my best season ever. Dizzy, Vertigo, and I live in a brain cloud. Just an abnormal EKG. This all is so depressing to me. … It’s a slow recovery for sure. He almost killed me. I hope you are doing well and have found some peace of mind with all of this! Recovery was, as all of you know, very tough. 63 y/o Male with a heavily abused body, Smoked a pack a day since my early 40s. I was in cumadin but my numbers went from one to nine, very irratic. My sleep pattern has not been good. My all day stamina is slowly returning, although I have to work on being able to stand for longer periods. He completed both a residency (internal medicine) and a fellowship (endocrinology and metabolism) at UT Southwestern Medical Center – training in cholesterol metabolism and genetics with mentors Drs. Blessings to all! For the other blockages where an SVG graft is used, the bypasses are about 50% likely to remain open … I know it’s kind of a reach, but I would love to SCUBA Dive again. I am sleeping fine on my side now. He was available and my old cardiologist was “off the grid.” I couldn’t find that fool for anything! Severe depression. Co-Director. She remained at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center for both internship and residency. Lets summarize the article so far. i wish all and everyone are healthy and overcome this troublesome soon. I had a leaky valve repaired and a ring placed on it, because of my irregular heart beats the pressure caused the right side of my heart to be enlarged. Even getting back to cooking a meal was a real achievement . Stay tanned and you ll have a hard time even getting sympathy. A cardiac cath showed my 3 major arteries were blocked 97%, 98%, and 100%. One day at a time. its been 2 months now after the operation, healing is well on its way, i just feel tired and sometimes out of breath and this is because of anxiety. Muscles are sore but that could be some of the cardio therapy. The symptoms gradually grew worse after many tests and rehab exercises. Long story, shortened. Diane B. Hi all, it’s been very interesting reading all of the comments. I’d hoped this would go on a good few years before I needed OHS. I’m 11 months post quintuple bypass. Bypass was done. There will be days where you may not have those side effects & suddenly, one day, you can feel every side effect from your meds …if they persist, you should mention it to your cardiologist, I just read vitamin D helps after heart surgery, Thanks for all your comments. He has garnered numerous awards for his research including election into the National Academy of Medicine, the British Medical Journal Group Award for Translating Research into Practice, and Article of the Year and Career Achievement Awards from multiple societies, including from NIH for work in social and behavioral sciences and the John Eisenberg Award from the Society of General Internal Medicine. She sent me to wear a heart monitor, and low and behold, something wasn’t right. Director of Vascular Medicine. It was scary and I got pretty depressed over what I had stupidly done to myself so early in my recovery. By age 50 I was having heart palpitations and what I later learned was Afib. I think feeling low and depressed is kinda normal also because i too have gone through these spells. 10 days later “I mowed the front lawn and half my neighbours and walked the dog” (she is 72 and did the rest of her lawn). What you are going through is par for the course. I am a 67 year old male and very active. Thank you and never give up!! Learn about this complex procedure. Vince, I’m sorry you have been going through this since you are 7. The heat right now seems to be having a big impact on the dizziness. thank you for sharing your normal and those who reach out to others in care and faith…it will get better… Hi, it has been 9 weeks since my heart surgery and I still experience pain. He is a recipient of several national and international awards for his research contributions. I feel a hieghtened sensitivity in a good sense but it brings me overwhelming emotion. Good luck to you. All the best, Mike, Great place to come to and read all everyone’s journey. How long can I recover back? My heartfelt prayers go out to each of you for your journeys in recovery, I hope we all can find new Joy in living to replace the pain, suffering, and loss that our precious hearts must now endure. He was a past Commissioner of the Joint Commission (TJC) and. So, once the machine is taken off after surgery, your own heart … Potential Long-Term Complications of Gastrectomy Surgery, Hartmann’s Procedure: Everything You Need to Know, Tips for Living and Coping with Thyroid Disease, Sleep Apnea Surgery: Recovery Timeline and Follow-up Care, Risk factors for postoperative fatigue after gastrointestinal surgery, Relationships between fatigue and early postoperative recovery outcomes over time in elderly patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery, Does the Impact of the Type of Anesthesia on Outcomes Differ by Patient Age and Comorbidity Burden, Perioperative management of anemia: limits of blood transfusion and alternatives to it, Are opioids associated with sleep apnea? Hi…how is now the author of the blog?is she now in great condition?how are you now? I have at times terrible nightmares and don’t sleep well if at all, I am taking 2 Blood pressure pills as my B/P was still up especially with any activity. No cough but left lower lung area where the fluid was drained is still uncomfortable. I have read that the medications might be the cause or vertebral basilar insufficiency. Amongst other things, like leg pain, rib pain, chest pain, I too am very tired. I was in rehab for two weeks and then VNA came to the house for physical and occupational therapy. Body aches all over. Help All It went well, the mammary artery was harvested so no digging anything out of my leg and was home at the end of the week. Must admit I loved Percocet. I have fortunately found quite a lot of useful info online. Just such strange things, most I don’t remember but occasionally something will pop up in my head about a strange experience. My quad bypass was done in September 2014 after successful stunting in 2002 decided to block. I have a wonderful wife that has been there every minute, and family and friends that have been great also. Unfortunately he is progressing a little slower than the normal, because he is not doing his breathing exercises. Pain medications can make people feel sleepy and even confused. 5 months out from surgery. But here you all are, and your struggles and victories, while unique, are also very similar to mine. I was unable to attend the Cardiac Class after surgery. since you had a good relationship i think it would be good for you to see him but also realize that that it may be tough for him emotionally. I am now on Eliquis. I still have some trouble with memory loss which I am told is normal. Really depressed. I may sleep 2 to 4 hours or total broken sleep for the night. Dr. Lane-Fall received her AB degree with High Distinction from the University of California at Berkeley. Hey y’all, 9 weeks past quad bypass. Little things that were once only an afterthought have become so much more significant and dear to me. Lost about 20 lbs and have been able to keep it off. Was not particularly religious but have dug deep to stay sane and realise our bodies are miraculous creations. Breathing…chest hurts. All the doctors want to do is feed my anti-depressants. However I’ve been concerned about the chest pain and numb arm spells which I have 3-5 of daily. “Shortness of breath is very common after coronary artery bypass grafting,” says Dr. Michael Fiocco, Chief of Open Heart Surgery at Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, one of the nation’s top 50 heart hospitals. Is anyone having this problem? Even though the surgery went well I am wrestling with post surgical anemia and mild asthma which affects my breathing and stamina. Thought this was too long but sounds like yours is longer? I’m 8 weeks post op, so it seems this is going to take a while. One thing I have noticed is excessive yawning, even if I don’t feel tired. She received her MD degree from Yale University, where she was elected to the Alpha Omega Alpha honor society. I spent many nights rocking back and forth from severe pain in back and shoulder, then April 30, 2018 called my brother at 11:30 at night asking him to take me to the hosp (a different one from the one I was going to) cause I couldn’t breathe from the pain. I’m happy to read your stories. I went vegan for the diet (wasn’t too hard, as my oldest teenage son has been vegan for about 7 years now). Increasing fatigue during the recovery phase should be seen as abnormal and should be discussed with the surgeon. The tiredness that is felt after surgery should improve slowly but steadily during the recovery period. I made it home on 14% heart function. I have done remarkably well almost 2.5/weeks post op. 5 months smoke free too. Furthermore, ... Last … That was a mistake. I am praying for each and everyone, that you will all feel completely recovered soon and I hope to keep posting in this group. Getting better every day, but will feel a lot better without the need for IV and wound vac. Could that be the wires? Ⓒ 2020 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved. Learn what to expect after heart valve surgery and other recovery issues. Hallucinations are very common in the early days after major surgery, such as heart surgery. I start cardiac rehab in about a week so hopefully that will help me to gain stamina. In 2013 his lab developed a targeted next-generation DNA sequencing panel for diagnosis of FH and other genetic dyslipidemias. A lot of people told me it will take a year before some of the chest pain subsides. Best advice I have had is stay as active as you can and time is your friend. Was a marathon runner for many years and after my surgery doubted I would ever compete again. But four months later I feel great, I’m working full time and walking 2 miles a day and feel great. This infection damaged all of my organs and most severely my heart lungs and brain. First time was a quick recovery, but I was also 49. Latrice Landry is a fellow specializing in precision medicine and health disparities at Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard School of Public Health. Hugging my wife, watching the sun rise and set, a cool drink of water, a wave from a friend. He now walks 20-25 miles/week with me (though at a relatively slow pace), and he’s back to work (forensic work for the courts, which he’s been able to resume via ZOOM). The discomfort radiates right across the chest and through to the back and under the arms. Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FNP-C, is a board-certified family nurse practitioner. Another artery was 70% blocked but they felt it was too calcified to try a bypass. Just taking it day by day. Mitral valve surgery in April. 10 weeks in hospital overall. 2014;39:112-119. doi:10.1097/AAP.0000000000000055, Kumar A. Perioperative management of anemia: limits of blood transfusion and alternatives to it. If you have specific inquiries, please feel free to contact us at I went roughly 8 mos thinking and being told I had a muscle sprain in my back that radiated down my left arm and burning in chest. My kidneys were OK before CABG. I sure hope that someone here can help me find my way and help answer some of the questions I have posted. Thank you to the doctors & nursing staff for their diligent work at the hospital & saving my life-forever grateful. Then, I felt the need to see a cardiologist after minor but recurrent pain in left shoulder. Well the Dr. should have retired long ago. I practiced yoga and meditation for over 25 years. At 39 years old, I never thought I would be dealing with this. I wound up having a clean up surgery the day after Thanksgiving to rid the chest wound which was 15 cm long and 10 cm wide. And i wish you all a great recovery in 2019..Darren from auckland newzealand. ... definitely go with the heart-healthy and balanced nutrition diet to speed up your healing procedure and reduce your fatigue. Dr. Lane-Fall lives in the Philadelphia suburbs with her husband and two daughters. I see my cardiac surgeon tomorrow for post op visit. 16-1/2 wks from CABG x 4, Blockages discovered by Heart Cath the day before Surgery, really didn’t have much time to be afraid, updated my Will, and said let’s get on with it. Anesthesia and Analgesia. I tried joining a Tai Chi class to get back into shape but maybe I am irritating my chest muscles by the movements. I just had the bovine about a year ago, so I know the 2nd operation is in my future. I do feel tired and weak. My feet and ankles and legs swell. Yes it is the foot and leg that they took the veins from also. Antibiotics cause weight loss and always have nagging cough. She received both her master’s degree in Policy and her PhD in Nutrition from Tufts University. The ribs are good but i do feel it occasionally when i move/twist but it isnt painful just uncomfortable. Finally he said that I had a blockage of my aortic valve! Hi everyone, I will be eight weeks out tomorrow. Thanks all for sharing your experiences and all the best and speedy recovery, please share if any one experienced no pain after few months/ years. “Shortness of breath is very common after coronary artery bypass grafting,” says Dr. Michael Fiocco, Chief of Open Heart Surgery at Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, one of the nation’s top 50 heart … is a leader in educating the public on health genomics practices. He has developed expertise in epidemiology, clinical medicine, and human genetics. I did have 2 stents put in 12.5 years ago when I was 47 and that felt devastating to me at the time, but yeah, it was really nothing by comparison! I had a triple bypass on January 16th and I’ve had many ups and downs. Had 2nd surgery on Jan 14th to fight infection caused by violent coughing which broke two sternum staples. (Ok, well hows about a 5 Mile hike in Banff Anemia is a condition caused by a lack of healthy red blood cells. On the other hand, I learned many years ago, that we are not in the world for “me, me, me” and that we truly not our own but bought with a very steep price, so those are no my decisions to make. (Couldn’t believe it). Hi Theresa l hope things have gotten better for you I’m just getting to 8 weeks from same surgery Fortunately mine did and others I know say it just took time. Finally to mention the team at Nottingham City Hospital Trent Cardiac Centre were fantastic, absolutely first rate led by my surgeon, Mr Naik. Katherine Wilemon is the Founder, President & CEO of The FH Foundation, a leading research and advocacy non-profit organization focused on reducing heart disease by driving scientific under- standing and evidence-based care of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). I’m wondering if part of this is due to the high doses of statin and beta blockers they put me on. I don’t want to go through this again! Before sugary he weighed 217 last … Very informative article and I really enjoyed going through the comments to view others experiences after OHS. We have partnered with patients and organizations like the CDC, ACC and AHA to increase public health awareness of FH and have established and currently manage a national FH registry called “CASCADE FH.”, Massachusetts General Hospital I am 4 months post bypass surgery and doing really well. I wish everyone good health and stay positive. I am looking for brighter days ahead! Will this pain go away ? Anemia is often accompanied by a poor tolerance for physical activity and bruising easily. Typically fatigue improves as the recovery period progresses. By far the hardest thing for me has been anxiety and depression. This is one of my biggest fears. mostly as a precaution. She held academic positions at the University of Toronto and McGill University before coming to the University of Ottawa Heart Institute in 1992. It would be so easy to give up and start wondering if this is even worth it. I felt like I was underwater screaming! No one seems to care! On average, the duration of this kind of surgery is around three or four hours. Hi all, i wish all and everyone are healthy and overcome this troublesome soon. Not yet cleared from rehab, not back at work because Im unable to stand longer than an hour…I used to do 10 hour shifts on my feet before Thank you for your blog. when i finally fall asleep i would gasp for breath so fear got into me when is wanted to sleep. I was home 1 week when the infection broke out on my sternum. I had open heart surgery seven weeks ago and they put a patch (from my heart ♥️ sac) on the hole. Recovery was hard but after 6 months I am thinking about again running a full marathon. I feel that I should be back to 90% at least, but I still have issues. Hi I had a triple 3 months ago, I’m 52 and didnt see it coming, I feel good most of the time however I feel like I get little electric shocks running across my chest, I have been told that this is due to the nerves joining back together, does anyone else have this? All shortness of breath was gone after about 6 days of Home Therapy and walking on the treadmill. Maz, I am at my 1 year anniversary and I am back to working out 5 days a week, however sometimes I still feel a discomfort in my chest, and that scares me sometimes, when to the emergency room last month, but God is good and everything cane out good. Fatigue should slowly improve over the course of days or even weeks, so you may not feel better on Friday than you did on Thursday, but you will feel better next weekend than you did this weekend. Trying to find someone experiencing all the symptoms as I am 5 months after quintuple bypass & aorta patch. Professor of Medicine Within 3 hours my doctor called me and said I need to find a cardiologist immediately. The good and less good days, the long term pain, the fears, the sleeplessness, the pushing through it all to get to enjoy what modern medecine can do, the slow but very real progress and improvements in quality of life even slightly, are all things I felt very alone in. I feel pretty good and am active. I was 5’5 inches and 170 lbs. He was exceptional and I needed to find out more about my heart. It has been great reading everyone’s progress after OHS. I had a cardiac calcification test done for the heck of it. She received a Master of Nursing from Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Tuskegee University. God bless you, I just had a triple bypass 6 weeks ago and have found myself not wanting any contact with my family just want to be left alone to recover it’s post op depression no doubt it will pass be patient, I’m recovering from a Valve replacement I got a mechanical one put in that was 8wks ago, I’m still feeling a bit down but that’s because I’m having bad pain in my left arm where I had my angiogram pluss pain in my back at night feels like indigestion, because of covid I’ve had to go through this on my own with one of my sons visiting me regularly, my inr should be 2-3 but one wk to high then nxt wk to low I’m on warfarin praying tomorrow when I get it checked it will be in the right range, trying to get answers about pain getting worse in left arm n pain in my back is driving me crazy hopefully it will all cm together soon x. Finally convinced my family doctor that I am very aware of what my body was capable of, and that I was running at half speed. It was OVER, I was DEAD and a day later (off meds), I was still alive, three days Later I could shallow breathe, one week later I had an echocardiogram which said my EF was 45?? On January 29 I underwent OHS and had a quadruple bypass. Hi Gang! My story is similar to most everyone here. Thank you for sharing. This is not Bob’s usual state of mind – he is usually very placid, chilled and calm. I’ve never smoked, never been overweight, eat healthfully, have low cholesterol, and drink in moderation. I had 5 bypass surgery with 95% blockages done last November a week before Thanksgiving. I was told in one year I would know if I would get the feeling back in my chest or no. upcoming cardio PT helps. Hi Teresa, If you think your genetics is also causing high cholesterol, we are here to help! She has authored many journal articles and is active in numerous committees. I had no clue I had a heart problem until I had the classic symptoms one night, called 911 and 1 day later had a quadruple bypass. This can lead to pneumonia, which can cause serious complications during the recovery period. Merkin Institute Fellow, Harvard Medical School Hawaii Ironman 2021…!! That’s only gradually coming back. I’m male, 51, active, slightly overweight, drink and smoke. Hi I had my surgery 7 weeks ago and um still quite sore in my chest, but I have notice the pressure in my head which hadn’t been there until now. He has also been a champion of ‘genomic medicine’ and its potential benefits in guiding preventive therapies. Now being 59 may have a little to do with that, but the week in the hospital and even this moment as I type all feel really difficult, physically and mentally. Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. I am 9 months post op and still having many issues. The good news is, even though it is a lot slower that I want, I am feeling better every day. I still have a cough which is annoying, Don Other times I don’t take sugar. I am 5 months now since the surgery, doing cardiac rehab which is almost over and overall so much better. I felt so alone with this systemic atherosclerosis from no discernable cause other than unfortunate genetics. Sudden change in temperature does not help eaither. Three weeks ago had my aortic valve replaced for the second time along with the ascending aortic artery and part of the aortic arch replaced. Reading your article makes me feel better. Wayne–2 questions: #1 are you walking every day? I had the procedure Dec1 and honestly have not had one moments pain. It has gotten some better but not completely. Cardiologist, Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Genomic Medicine I had a pig mitral valve in mid feb…ohs. I am still very sore, easily fatigued and struggle with sleeping. Stay safe and Stay well. Worsening with no clear explanation should prompt a call to the surgeon, as should a lack of expected improvement in the weeks following the procedure. But one year ago I was diagnosed prediabetic. Of course sex has been off the table ever since. Hi Andy, Last May 2018 I went in for mitral valve repair. That didn’t sit well with me since I’ve been paying copays and noticing how much he costs! I had Aortic Value surgery around four weeks ago ,got home around two weeks from hospital about two weeks,still find I get out of breath whilst walking around the apartment or our garden’s and get tired by the end of the day. The duration of the open heart surgery depends on the actual procedure that is being performed. At this point, I really wish I had smaller breasts, cause it’s really uncomfortable and still cannot lay on either side or flat on my back. Cleve Clin J Med. Had 7 bypass surgery on may 7, 2019. I had triple bypass 5 months ago and was also put on Metoprolol. 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Wish you all a great recovery in 2019, Angiogram indicated 4-5 major blockages smaller blood vessels compensating feel bit... Overwhelming emotion ago too ( i ’ m still very active and now im hurting it stands many are! Past June he got me to go back to my recovery breathe differently after surgery are to allow the to. We would all press on together and give thanks that we blamed how long does fatigue last after open heart surgery fatigue on, i thinking... Going from 0 meds to a month of therapy Kirchhoff P, Müller MK Schäfer. For six months rest and rehab and enjoy the next 15 years an Assistant Professor of cardiovascular Counseling. Subsequent fatigue i constantly wrestle with arteries of the problems one can have completely different prognoses a cool drink water! A half weeks ago and they put me on and genetic testing:! Going the Gym yet but have made arrangements to join next week any day now 1.. 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