George has made the wrong decision for killing Lennie. In the novella, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, George killing Lennie is a … As a result George choses to let Lennie die in the open air, in the wild, with friends and happy, as opposed to dying cooped up, lonely, miserable, and sad. Did George Milton Kill Lennie Smalls for His Own Good; What is the significance of dreams in “Of Mice And Men” Of Mice and Men: Why George killed Lennie the Explanation; Of Mice and Men: a Comprehensive Comparison of Novel and Movie; Summery of Mice and Men George must have been thinking that the authorities were either going to kill him, lock him up, or that Curley would seek out revenge. Floyd’s death may very well have been the tipping point of anger that had been building over the incidents involving Arbery, Taylor, Garner and so many others. Some may argue that killing anyone is wrong, but I …show more content… Lennie caused George to lose many jobs, and get into a lot of trouble. Lennie never tried to kill Curly's wife and he didn't kill her on purpose. george deserves a lenient sentence for killing Lennie because if George hsd not killed Lennie, Lennie would have gone to jail and it is pretty obvious that Lennie … Major events don’t occur in a vacuum and are often the culmination of an escalating trend. One reason why it was the wrong decision for George to kill Lennie is because it was selfish. Their lives have been shaped by their friendship and they rely strongly on each other. Did he considered him insane and dangerous, malevolent or… did he try to save him? What does the con side believe? ‘Of Mice and Men’ is a novel written by John Steinbeck that was first published in 1937. Support your ideas with details from the novel. Lennie was going to be killed anyways: Regardless of how you look at it, Lennie killed a woman, and back in these days the punishment for that was quite severe. He is worse than Lennie for killing … 107) This is the truth. ‘Of Mice and Men’ is a novel written by John Steinbeck that was first published in 1937. Essay For Why George Was Right For Killing Lennie, how to write an intro about yourself, 4th grade compare contrast literary essay frames, uc essay examples prompt 7 4:47 PM Oct 23, 2019 A secure network is the way we ensure that nobody breaks into our servers and finds your details or Essay For Why George Was Right For Killing Lennie any of our essays writer’s essays. George was only thinking of himself. Readers know that George … If you ask how George was wrong in killing Lennie, one could come up with two reasons. This is when George chooses to shoot Lennie at close range before the mob gets a hold of him.If you ask how George was wrong in killing Lennie, one could come up with two reasons.First, he merely assumes that Lennie would be taken by the mob of farm hands. Why? Yes, George was Justified in killing Lennie because if George was not the one that killed Lennie then the other men who were hunting Lennie would have killed him in a brutal way for killing Curleys wife. Lennie is mentally unfit to stand trial; he's mentally unfit to be tried or sentenced to prison for the crime of killing Curly's wife. recently shot Lennie Small in the back of his head, instantly killing him. Anyone else in those shoes would have picked the same route if not similar. In response, Slim—who is presented as a “godlike” source of moral authority—decrees that Lennie “ain’t mean,” solidifying Lennie’s innocence. Lennie had to pay the consequences (life for a life) for killing Curley’s wife. This is where George did wrong. Slim tells George, “ya hadda George, I swear ya hadda”(Pg. There were plenty of other solutions to Lennie's problem than killing him. George could not let the situation go any further, he could no longer protect Lennie. To remind the readers all the events of the last pages of the book, let’s briefly look how and why did George killed Lennie. One might believe that George should not have shot Lennie because it was wrong and irrational because he could have been saved may have been saved given a better life. Morality is not an idea that merely exists in the minds of people. He doesn’t want him to die like a wild animal living in a cage. George has no choice. When looking deeper you know why he did it, as he knew Lennie would never survive jail and if he was sentenced to death then it would be torturous. In Of Mice and Men, why was it wrong for George to kill Lennie? Why Did George Kill Lennie. Related Posts about Was George wrong to kill Lennie. A foreshadowing of the need for Lennie to be killed by George is when Cady says to George, “I ought to of shot that dog myself, George. Lennie’s main trait in the book is his inability to control his own force. This was the only way George could protect Lennie for the last time. Lennie’s dependent personality and mental state would make a mental institution a horrible place to spend the rest of his life. First, he merely assumes that Lennie would be taken by the mob of farm hands. Well that was kind of what the book was about. Friendships like the one shared by Geore and Lennie are not common among the itinerant workers of the area. Please give me a few reasons why George killed Lennie at the end of the book. When the men on the farm discover that Lennie … George feels numb and empty, but he has done what he felt he had to do. (2) Curley wanted to shoot Lennie in the gut to watch him suffer. He killed him to protect him. Of Mice and Men essay by safs44; Of Mice And Men - Crooks PEE Paragraph George tells Slim that in their last town, Lennie got in trouble after touching a girl’s dress and was falsely accused of raping her. George Loved Lennie "I oughtta of shot that dog myself, George. Lennie was not an evil character. Lennie is so mentally incompetent - it's not likely he was aware that he could even possibly - kill Curly's wife. I think George did not do the right thing at the end of the book because I believe Lennie still had a reason for living and that should not have been taken away from him. In the end, George ended up killing Lennie. George didn’t have any choice. George Killed Lennie for Merciful Reasons - … when George chooses to shoot Lennie at close range before the mob gets a hold of him. That is why George is justified in killing Lennie, not because Lennie is mentally disabled but because he loves Lennie and for Lennie's sake it should be George who does it. Humanistic background of why did George kill Lennie; Killing as an act of mercy for an incapable and dangerous person; Arguments George uses to comfort Lennie in the death scene; Related Posts about Of Mice and Men: George Killed Lennie for Merciful Reasons. Lennie died believing that one-day they would have their own farm, with rabbits and alfalfa and … I came across Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck and I asked my mom if I could buy it. George is making sure that he kills Lennie properly and that he goes through hardly any pain and its done really quickly. He manages to provoke a deep emotion in the reader about […] George must have been thinking that the authorities were either going to kill him, lock him up, or that Curley would seek out revenge. He is worse than Lennie for killing … As a result of Lennie killing … Their mutual love enables them to make sacrifices only to protect each other. Steinbeck has a very particular style of writing. However, I believe that what I did was justified, and there was a method to my madness… It first must be understood, that I simply did not have many other choices. This is where George did wrong. If the mob didn't torture and kill Lennie, they would (at the very least) lock him in a cage. Of Mice and Men: George Killed Lennie for Merciful Reasons A true friendship is one in which friends care deeply enough to anticipate one another’s needs and are willing to put their friend’s needs before their own. As Slim said, "that ain't no way to live". But George thought that he could take the law into his own hands, and take Lennie's life. (3) George shot him, nice and neat, because he didn‘t want to see Lennie … I shouldn't oughtta of let no stranger shoot my dog" pg.61 George killing Lennie wasn't an act of hatred or revenge. I was in Monterey for vacation and happened to go to the aquarium to buy a few books. Though the most obvious reason is to save Lennie from the the mob, there are several other factors we might want to consider. 5. In the context of the story, it was right. He was unable to understand and deal with emotions. Mice and Men, George has to choose the outcome of Lennie’s life by either killing him or not killing him. 2. ‘George was wrong to shoot Lennie’ How far do you agree? George Killing Lennie Essay Examples. George had to shoot Lennie because he had no other alternative, Curley would have shot Lennie, and shooting Lennie was the humane and best thing to do. Bottom line was yes it was wrong, he took another human life away and that is a crime. By killing Lennie, George made a tough and thoughtful decision to prevent any more misfortunes to his friend. But George thought that he could take the law into his own hands, and take Lennie’s life. 1. We will write a custom essay on Is George right to kill Lennie? What are the reasons why George killed Lennie? is a platform for academics to share research papers. Due to these reasons, George is justified in his decision to kill Lennie. When he killed that woman, he did not do that for the typical reasons (greed, anger). Asked by Wiki User 1 2 3 Answer Top Answer Wiki User Answered 2014-01-17 00:37:35 2014-01-17 00:37:35 To kill the lennie. It was out of love and mercy. George and Mercy Killing: Of Mice and Men is a classic novel of the 20th century by American author John Steinbeck. First with the killing of the dog then with Lennie. The three reasons George killed him are: (1) Linnie killed Curley’s wife. By killing George himself, George is able to make sure it is done humanely. There was a chance for Goerge and Lennie to escape We Are Essay On Why George Was Right To Kill Lennie Your One-Stop Solution For Cheap Essays Online! In the book it states “he looked at the back of Lennie’s head, at the place where the spine and skull were joined”. George’s decision to kill Lennie prevented him from the possible verdict of a mental institution. Most people would argue that what I did was terribly wrong and irrational. One example of this was in “Weed”, where George and Lennie … Was George Right To Kill Lennie ‘George was wrong to shoot Lennie’ How far do you agreeSupport your ideas with details from the novel. He was scared, and responded with animal instinct. 4. Another reason why George killed Lennie is that George knows that even if Curley let Lennie live, Lennie wouldn't be able to look after himself properly.