1.1 Create SQLite Database Example. In case if you are not aware of creating an app in android studio check this article Android Hello World App. If you observe above code, we are deleting the details using delete() method based on our requirements. Source Code Source Code of Examples 14.2. Now we need to add this newly created activity in AndroidManifest.xml file in like as shown below. 9.0 Notes. public void delete (String ID) { SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase = this.getWritableDatabase (); //deleting row sqLiteDatabase.delete (TABLE_NAME, "ID=" + ID, null); sqLiteDatabase.close (); } In this tutorial, we will create a simple Notes application using … This Android SQLite tutorial will cover the simple operation of SQLite databases like insert and display data. In the above code, we have taken name and salary as Edit text, when user click on save button it will store the data into sqlite data base and update on listview. SQLite is a lightweight database that comes with Android OS. SQLite is an open-source, zero-configuration, self-contained, stand-alone, transaction relational database engine designed to be embedded into an application. Click next and select a blank activity next, and leave main activity as default and click finish. Step 3 − Add the following code to src/MainActivity.java, Step 4 − Add the following code to src/ DatabaseHelper.java, Let's try to run your application. ",new String[]{String.valueOf(userid)});         db.close();     }     // Update User Details     public int UpdateUserDetails(String location, String designation, int id){         SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();         ContentValues cVals = new ContentValues();         cVals.put(KEY_LOC, location);         cVals.put(KEY_DESG, designation);         int count = db.update(TABLE_Users, cVals, KEY_ID+" = ? Once we create a new layout resource file details.xml, open it and write the code like as shown below,