This product will remove fleas from all ranges and sizes, and even take care of the larvae and eggs that might be hidden inside your cat’s body. Chamomile is another all-natural remedy. These small bumps and scabs, also common around a cat’s neck and face, are what's called “miliary dermatitis.” This inflammatory process of the skin is typically accompanied by itchiness, which cats often express by scratching and/or biting at their skin (although you may not … Skin rash in cats is an overreaction of the immune system to an otherwise harmless substance. Foods that are too spicy or certain brands of cat food might contain ingredients that emit allergic reactions from your cat. Scabs on cats are one of those things that you usually notice late if you don’t examine your pet regularly. Epsom salt baths are a natural and exceptionally inexpensive way to soothe irritated skin — if you can convince your cat to get into a bath, that is! A warm towel wrap will reduce any itching your cat may be experiencing and soften the scabs themselves. You need to pay close attention to your cat’s actions since frequent scratching and constant licking are most likely what caused the wound to open in the first place. You need to let the air circulate freely around the wound, and you need to make sure that your cat doesn’t disturb the wound by further scratching or licking. Species: Cat Breed: Unknown Age: 1-2 years For a couple of months now, I’ve noticed my cat has been trying to scratch her lower back every now and then but can’t reach due the location which is around her spine around 6 inches up from her tail. With some home-grown plants and convenience store scores, you can help alleviate the itchiness, crustiness, and keep your cat’s scabs clean in no time. Here is a list of the common causes of frequent scabbing on your cat: Though the long-term treatment will vary based on why your cat has scabs to begin with, there are several things you can do in the short term to help mitigate your feline friend’s discomfort. As the creator of ExcitedCats, his mission is to assist in the search for the best gear to help improve the health and wellbeing of cats everywhere. But if your cat will allow it, one of the best ways to administer chamomile is via wet compress. Have a great day, and don’t forget to smile! Flea bite hypersensitivity Flea bite hypersensitivity is the most common cause of scabs on cats. Some of those conditions, such as allergies, are only likely to affect your one cat. If you can find it freshly dried and organically grown from a local herb merchant, that’s your best bet. If that is the case, you need to remove that harmful stuff immediately to reduce further skin irritation. Although there may be thousands of potential allergens in your cat’s habitat, fleas and ticks are the most common offenders to take the blame first. It’s a bit of a wonder plant and has been used … Due to their frequent contact with humans, cats also have developed allergic reactions to dust, food, and even pollen. Q. I have a Persian cat. securing -- … In this article, we’ll go into detail on five cheap, effective home remedies to help keep your cat’s scabs clean and irritation-free! Even though it is not absolutely necessary, you might need some products to clean up the wound in the first place. The scratching was either done by your cat due to skin irritation, or by an external factor (ex: sharp rock), which caused the wound to open in the first place. You want to soothe skin irritation and help soften the scabs so that when they do fall off naturally, they will do so with ease. To recap what we have talked about so far, the major causes behind the scabs are allergies, parasites, and wounds inflicted by external and internal sources. As the neck is easier for the cat to scratch, trauma to the area can occur, resulting in open wounds where the cat has damaged the skin. Whilst for the beginning it may not be easy to tell if your cat has eaten something allergic to it, what you can do is to physically examine if there are fleas on the area that has scabs. To make sure this is a safe remedy for your cat, put a test dab on their skin and monitor it for a few hours. Other conditions, such as fleas, fungus and mange, can spread through your household. It’s a bit of a wonder plant and has been used medicinally for thousands of years. The gooey, gel-like inside of an aloe vera leaf has antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and pain-reducing properties. Second, you need to keep the cat from injuring itself or making the scabs …